Tree of Savior Forum

Is it just me or is the looting chance stat bad?

Don’t get me wrong, it definitely works, unidentified equips drop really fast. But one thing I’ve noticed is that it’s making blues drop more and reds and purples drop less.

Let me explain. So as of right now, I can reach 796 looting chance. (696 from equips & cards, 100 from statue buff) But instead of dropping more primus’ its dropping less now. Before, I only had 200 from the statue buff and looting chance potion and a primus would drop atleast once every 30 mins. Now it takes me 2 runs (if im lucky) to get just one. And I just really wanna know if it’s just me having terrible luck, or if someone else noticed it too?

Loot Chance is exactly what it means, the chance of something drop is higher.

So for example: if Blues drop at 20%, purples at 10% and oranges at 2%, the LC stats will only increase that a bit. Don’t ask me what are the real percentages per LC value because I don’t know, not even sure if that was disclosed tbh.

So it’s not Loot Quality stats (doesn’t even exist), if it was, then yes, high quality stuff would drop more frequently.

Exact values for the drop rates:

I never said anything about a loot quality stat, so I’d rather that you don’t put words in my mouth. What I was implying was that could it be possible that due to the drop rate increase, the chances of looting something better be overshadowed by the chances to loot something bad. Like, is it multiplicative or does it just add that % to the existing drop %.

It rolls another drop RNG with increased chances. That’s why you sometimes drop 1 equip and sometimes 2 if you have some looting chance.

And yes, the additional chance is scaling badly, I expect it to be adding less than 0,025% per point in looting chance since looting chance was recently capped at 4000 on kTest.

Looting chance hence has to be some sort of x/y multiplier for the original drop chance of the item.

I expect the formula for the additional RNG that is rolled after killing the monster to be looking like this:
A = B * (1+ L/X)

where A= additional drop chance, B = base drop chance, L = Looting Chance value, X = unknown value [the product of B * (1+ L/X) must be smaller than 100, though, so you’ll never get to 100% drop chance of an additional item even with 4000 looting chance].

Maybe the formula is even more complicated with Logarythm, but I doubt it, since sometimes nothing drops at all but still triggers the rare item drop sound.
So maybe it even works like magic amplification, taking a random number between 0 and you maximum looting chance to emulate chance rather than adding a fixed drop chance.

Anyway, yes, the scaling is bad, people stated that around 600 looting chance is ± 1,3 times the base chance of additional equipment drop rate [though we can’t be sure since they count all drops, not only the ones obviously generated by looting chances (i.e. the ones dropping additionally when another item drops so you can be sure it was created by looting chance) and then averaging it over the items drop rate/chance].