Tree of Savior Forum

Is IMC unable to solve problems?

Indeed its normal a rare issue in any big game. But, in Silute at least, this is pretty much a weekly event, the they fix, the come backs and the cycle goes on.

Hopefully they will do another maintenance and fix this issue ASAP. The game practically unplayable. its like playing Russian Roulette with monsters, waiting for that “lag” to occur then poof, you’re dead!

Aside from the lag issue, channels of various maps, especially towns are still disappearing in Telsial server. No more player shops. :cry:

That’s because SA has horrible networking infrastructure in the first place. It’s incredible that they put the servers in SA at all in my opinion, horrible location to operate gameservers from, they will never be reliable when hosted within SA I’m afraid.

But is great at creating them, always look the bright side!


Poor staff Amy, might have spent the whole day apologizing in behalf of the company.

We want a solution not an apology.

Point made, we are customets not only players.




better now…

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That’s not accurate at all, a lot of big games have servers on SA and they work just fine (Valve games, Blizzard games, Riot’s League of Legends, among others).

I started playing this game recently exactly because they moved SA servers to… SA, and since they expanded the servers (they obviously didn’t expect many people to come back to the game), I haven’t had any problems with lag or disconnects on Silute. The only problem right now is happening to all servers, so it has nothing to do with Brazil’s infrastructure.

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LoL’s SA datacentre is shared with Blizzard, and was specifically built for them to operate in the region by themselves independently of the hosting there, with its own infrastructure.

It still underperforms compared to NA and EU infrastructure, because at the end of the day the backbone is still horrible.

Do you play LoL on SA servers? Do you have any source to back up your claims of it underperforming?

I don’t play LoL, so I wouldn’t really know, but my brother plays Dota 2 and Overwatch, I play TF2, and I never have any connection issues, nor have I seen my brother have issues.

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I work in the industry. A friend of my works on Riot’s networking team, who formerly worked at mpgs, I also formerly worked at mpgs.

Funny you said that. Riot has a server right in São Paulo - BR and I never had a single problem with their game unless it’s my own connection having problems. Same apply to other games I’ve played hosting a server in Brazil, I had a lot more problems with SEA servers and some NA along with unplayable ping for us. SA servers was never a problem for me, can’t say that about IMC servers (yes, serverS. Played on Klaipeda and it’s just as bad.)

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Okay everybody the server is veeeeeeery lag i agree but the game is for free and we have soo many errors to report the market on silute are broken they have soo many problems to fix im not defending they but u all are very spoiled and despicable

Is this a dirty meme?

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The game is literally unplayable right now… market being broken? What does that matter if people can’t even walk 5 meters without freezing and rubber banding?

Never put a cent in the game, just like I never had any problem with the game market even being a F2P player. Almost everyone who complains about the market are people too lazy to farm for anything.

mimados ? e desprezível ? filho é só colocar o game pago que isso para ! , isso questão de ser burro mesmo empresa horrivel !

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não cara, eu dou duro pelos itens, e não voltei a jogar a muito tempo, só perco tempo com o market pra consultar preços, basicamente tudo que tenho farmei e fui atrás, se não tenho tantas coisas ainda é porque me falta tempo/sorte, mas o mercado tá meio quebradinho sim, battle bracelet por 10kk? já vi vídeos de nego vendendo isso por 1kk, 900k de 1 ano atrás, você fala isso porque joga a muito tempo e deve ter pego essa época em que os itens eram com os preços justos, agora o cara vem me falar de preguiça, se fuder caralho

Ok? Do you have any statistics on that, or do you just like to state alternative facts? :- )

Voltei a jogar agora na mudança do combate, nesse tempo fiz um tanto de equipamento, incluindo Sissel bracelet, comprei um costume Bad Kids por 9kka poucos dias e já juntei 25kk novamente que atualmente não tenho com o que gastar pois ainda nem tenho nenhum char acima do 300 e nem conheço a DG lv.290 ainda. Nas últimas semanas so tenho feito basicamente Mercenary Post, Saalus e algumas DG’s pra farmar Silver
Então não, o mercado não está quebrado, fazer dinheiro nunca foi tão fácil. Estando no Cap e com equipamentos melhores será ainda mais rápido.

O market não esta quebrado por conta de BB a 10kk… Tente farmar um… DPK altissimo compartilhado entre canais e em um bixo que aparece em um unico mapa em quantidade baixa (3)… para piorar o mapa é um dos principais de low lvls… então esta sempre cheio (sem falar nos afk farmers…). O item é caro, pois a chance de vc conseguir um farmando eh realmente baixa… Os videos de 1kk que vc encontrou são realmente muito velhos, isso pq 1kk antigamente é equivalente a 10kk hj… a quantidade de silver obtida antigamente era muito menor que a atual…