Tree of Savior Forum

Is imc the worst mmo publisher ever?

i want to ask what you think on this.

the reasons i think this are:
no open beta.
no tp after game is launched as full f2p titel.
no communication on whats going on.
bugs from icnt are still here.

Im going to start complaining after the original 3 month early access period is over and no earlyer, everyone wanted to rush things out now deal with it -.-


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points at Aeria
points at Gameforge
points at OGPlanet

I really dislike the ambiance of the quietness too, and I’ve always advocated for IMC to get more in contact with their community. But people seem to forget that there are much worse evils when it comes to publishers.

Hell, if they could actually fix the issues then nobody could complain other than “You didn’t do it fast enough!”


Trion. Coughing in 20 characters


I mean i dont know if there can be worse, but seeing the swordsman situation i …i dont know . :frowning:

So far thats my ONE complaint . i feel like latency / lag issues will be fixed, but the fact that one whole base class feels extradoronarily gimp in every single way to other classes i just… its hard to get into.

but the cash shop and TP situation (not quite atm) is one of the best ive seen in a game. you cant really call it P2W because they give you TP for winning guild wars, and this keeps Tokens, the most expensive CS item rather cheap on the marketboard. so non casher can easily gain. the problem here is i dont know how ToS will stay aflaot if they DONT make money off their Cash shop but yeah.

I don’t think IMC is the worst publisher, I think the whole F2P System is really bad. I can say this because I seen this happen to many mmorgs andI’m sure they will be fine if they went back to the old “p2p” system. It’s old but it works.

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Not the worst, but it’s bad, I should be ashamed to be that mmo publisher.


I think you’re one of the worst posters on these forums.


Be happy you have a game to play.

There are far more worst hosts out there trust me.

i wanted 3 month as well.

at last they some what know what they do :slight_smile:

publisher not developer. i know they are do this 2 at the same time but as developer we do know they are some what ok.

i will like this as well.

Not even close.


why not, i did say why I THINK it is.

FREE? you play a trial version of this game without token bonus, lol.

no i do not, i play from icbt 2 days and i am a faunder for this game . its a f2p game if they sell tokens or not.

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