Tree of Savior Forum

Is Ice Blast bad?

I’m trying to decide where to put my points for tier 1 of cryomancer. I have heard people say that Ice Blast is terrible? Is that is true then it makes my decision easy.

Is it bad? If so why?


It can be used as burst damage, since you just have to immediately apply it’s damage after an enemy target is frozen. It unfreezes targets though on use.

Basically taking it is based on preference, but in my opinion it’s not that bad if you keep track of freeze timers to use it before a freeze buff wears off.

Pretty sure Ice Blast is only single target, so if multiple targets are frozen I can see why it’s not really useful in most situations.

It wa sonce good.
It hurt in an aoe, even unfrozen enemys. As long as one was frozen…

Then they changed it to death ^^.

if you goona leave cryo at c1 get do like that:

planning on going Cryo 3. Really struggling with what to get and was just gonna focus one rank 1 first.

Ice Blast is multitarget. Its just not as good as other skills, like ice pike and icewall.

I would say it depends on your build. if you have very few other attack skills i.e: Cryo/Chrono and no other damage dealers to help you, you may want it, but in general you’ll probably want to do more damage while keeping the enemy frozen rather than potentially removing your CC freeze for a hit. the unfreeze percentage is pretty high

I’ve made all sorts of cryos, it’s bad every single time. Main reasons.

  1. Weak. Even though the skill damage is numerically higher than Ice Bolt, Ice Bolt also carries a 1.5x matk modifier, so Ice Blast is always weaker.
  2. Aoe radius too small. It only works in a cone in front of you. You’ll guesstimate the size of this cone wrong every time and miss.
  3. Only works on frozen enemies. So it’ll never work on a boss, you can’t use it without using another skill first, and then MAYBE IF IT FREEZES, you’ll have a chance to use Ice Blast. Once. Because…
  4. It unfreezes enemies. Like wow. Cryomancy is real big on doing the opposite of what it’s meant to do. All for the sake of mediocre, low range, conditional damage.

There is no reason to get this skill. I mean, there are worse skills, but this is clearly the worse skill in the cryomancer tree.

RIP kcbt1 ice blast.


NO, Ice Blast is NOT weak. But yes like ExDarklight said, you won’t find it useful due to 1) it does not work on bosses, 2) Ice Bolt has a dmg multiplier.

But myself, I’m a linker which finds it extremely useful, if you even freeze one enemy, all the rest that are linked will receive damage as well, and if many are frozen they take double the damage. My usual combo for big amount of mobs(that are not aerial) is to link them up, knot, and cast Ice Wall in a line on them, and they’ll walk towards you and get frozen, and you cast Ice Blast each time you hear or see the ‘Frozen’ status and they’ll most likely thaw and continue walking, three snaps of your finger and you should clear the entire wave.

Not to mention the feeling is great when you do that, you feel like Shiva from Final Fantasy. :slight_smile: