Tree of Savior Forum

Is going wizard c3 (quick cast) a must for necromancer?

I’m working on a second wizard and after discovering for a second time that the path i’m following could be of a greater benefit to necro, I feel like I just need to get this out of the way, once and for all.

Most if not all necromancer builds I’ve ever heard of utilize circle 3 wizard’s 50% damage boost on quick cast and at this point, it’s too late to get there on either of the wizards I’ve created.

Up until now, I have just played for fun and I’d hate for that to cripple a class that takes a nice chunk of dedication to reach. Can someone give me their thoughts on this?

edit: first build is wiz-cryo-linker-cryo and second is wiz-pyro-linker-thaum

Say your current build and then people can really try to help.

I hadn’t originally given the information because I was willing to just start from scratch, yet again, but with confidence towards late game viability.

You should share it anyway, maybe it’s not as bad as you think it is.

Necro is a rank to take 1 circle or look up to it’s 3rd circle. Skels are not bad damage but scale poorly, dies fast. Shoggoth is sort of stupid but meat tanks are cool. Pole is meh, the tower that shoots also scale poorly.

So Necro would be good for Flesh Cannon and Hoop having max attack count at level 5 and giving you meat shieldgoth. Your 3rd rank might have 10 skels, which could be interesting, and some good new spell.

People right now advise others not to take Necro, it’s poorly designed and costs too much for the damage it causes.

If you want it’s C1 to some build Like Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro > rank 7+ classes it might work.

That’s a bummer…necro looks really cool. I’ve tried to ignore the banter on how unreliable(gathering) and tedious the corpse system can be and didn’t really plan on using the shoggoth for damage.

In fact, I didn’t plan on using necro to summon, flesh hoop and cannon felt satisfying just seeing them in action and that was the reason I wanted to know if quick cast was worth going for.

Is the damage lackluster overall, even WITH quick cast, though?

If you will only be usng Flesh Cannon and Flesh Hoop for damage, 1 rank on Necro is a cool thing to have, it gives you these 2 spells, with 16 hits for the cannon and around 10~15 for the hoop I believe.

I was thorn between going Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock and Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro > Warlock to have Necro as a filler but gave up on it bc I like Sorcerer.

If you don’t have linker all those hits from Necro will spread between your mobs and will become little damage, if you have Linker and Quickast it is actually quite some damage.

I see a lot of people talking about going sorc and necro for a zoo of summons and I don’t know much about the warlock, but thanks so much for your help, I’ll take your advice and go with the the build you mentioned.

Linker always felt like a necessary asset and I see people love to gripe about wizard c3. I’ll do research on a possible final circle even though getting necro was the plan from the beginning, haha!

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro > Warlock should be pretty good, just won’t be as efficient as Ele 3 at Earth Tower.

I didn’t.

I went W1, Cryo 3, Sorcerer and necromancer.

I’m not gonna use Flesh cannon. I’ll use Flesh hoop, Raise Dead and Corpse Tower.

I mean, my main combo will base on:
Raising dead
Summoning Lava Buddy
Laying down the frost wood (and by wood i mean gravity dragging frost tree)
Cutting down the path to me with an ice wall
Casting snowball and rolling over any opponent that may come while my asseclasses lay waste.

I haven’t read into the game far enough to know what Earth Tower is, but I assume it is endgame and I am fine with not be the absolute most efficient as long as I enjoy the decisions I’ve settled on.

I found cryo c2 very underwhelming for the build I had that also contributed to the second wizard I made, where I personally found pyro more enjoyable than cryo to play. I was more support by that point and I don’t consider myself a party player unless I have to (dungeons).

Cryo only gets good at C3. Also freezing monsters is always good.

Pyro is very good at the beggining but won’t be very good later, most people like pyro in the beggining and regret it later on.

Dropping linker makes flesh cannon lose efficiency as stated the guy above.

Sorc > Necro 2 is the summon army.

Is there something about Necro that makes Flesh Cannon different from other spells? I don’t understand how AoE works in this game, but I know that Linker isn’t considered necessary for all damage classes.

What is the difference, for example, between Flesh Cannon and the AoE Skills on Elementalist?

The high cooldown and the high cast time renders you useless for a lot of the time you could be going semi supportive with frost tree of high gravity death or just spamming ice wall + ice pikes to get some cc going.

This is why i’ll opt for flesh hoop. I can throw the Giant Icy Branchy thing that looks like a frozen tree of death. summon all my aid (corpse tower, zombies and 2 sorc summons) and flesh hoop and run from melee.

AoE skills affect monsters within it’s area the same, all of them take all hits, generally have a maximum number of monsters affected.

Skills like Flesh Cannon are multihit but each hit is singletarget, so those 16 hits spread through your enemy pack. That’s where you need linker, to put those hits back together again.

Obviously against a boss with no mobs Linker won’t help you and you will deal all 16 hits on him.

This could be true, I don’t doubt you. But how do you tell the difference. For example, does Meteor suffer from this problem? They both appear to be the same type of “spell” (different, perhaps, from things like Flame Ground or Frost Cloud)

Nope. It’s just how the skill is made. You throw 16 bones on a certain area and it gets split amongst mobs.

Does this also hold true for Pole of Agony?

No, as the guy above said it’s all about each skill and how they work.

Also no, Pole of Agony is AoE, doesn’t need link to work, Link helps on putting mob together and share Pole’s DoTs, it makes enemies take damage for 10 seconds after leaving the pole itself.