Tree of Savior Forum

Is Energy Bolt Needed for Warlock?

If i can get to W3 without spending any points into energy bolt would be the best case scenario? or is energy bolt needed to combo for damage?

Energy Bolt is more of a filler when your main dmg skills are on CD.

I noticed I used it more at around 130+ since I went linker C3… just put 5 points into it. I have used sleep 0 times for PVE so far lvl 196

And what do you intend to use your leftover skill points on? Reflect shield is garbage, lethargy isnt useful and earth doesnt scale. You can add few points in it to max sleep, but no points at all is madness, your leveling will be so painful.

The only things you NEED to max are surespell, magic missiles and quick cast

pretty much what teonimesic said… there’s nothing else worth spending points on at this point in time. max sleep, 1 in lethargy, 1 in earthquake, may as well put the rest in energy bolt.

the other spells may be buffed in the future but as of now thats how it is.

I find sleep to very useful against semi-boss (normal mobs with very high HP) and ocassionally when I aggro more than what I can handle. But it is more of a PvP skill indeed