Tree of Savior Forum

Is Cryo3Kino3 viable for late game content?

The title says it all

Kino and Cryo is 2 classes that I really like, so I was thinking in doing something like this


Will this do enough?

cryo and kino are good CC and even if damage falls off end game you have your CCs which are viable all the time so go for it :slight_smile:

I already reset mine, its more of a pvp build I suppose, but for end game content, why waste slot for something that can just do CC than give a slot to a dps that can wipe things down or do better stuffs

coz playstyle

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party members don’t care which play style you want sadly. lol they want stuffs to get done faster.

But if you really love cryo3>kino3>RC which I love before, and have friends playing they go play it, but for public party like ET and grinds, its much harder to get in

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That’s what sad about ToS…

Classes that are not in the meta are completely left behind

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exactly, and I’m not a meta person, but now being force to because I don’t wanna be a lonerrrrrrr

Gonna create a thread about this, lol