Tree of Savior Forum

Is Alchemist really worth it?

I am level 110 and I can make around 60k/h at least, through farming.
Considering that I would only be alchemist around level 170 or more, at that level I would already be farming at least 200k/h(?) maybe.
Problem is, till I max alchemist’s skills, I would be more than level 200. And the gold/h farming would be even higher than it was at level 170. (Obviously considering that I DIDN’T went for Alchemist and stick with a farming build, aka pyro linker or cryo kino).
Now, as I got enough level and skill points to open a shop as Alchemist and make money (around level 230-240 or more), would the money an alchemist make surpass the money a farming class make?
Since you become an Alchemist, you will decay in farming role, dungeon role, and a lot of others things. Your role would basically be sell nd’ craft stuff.
It would be a pain in the ass to lvl up an Alchemist and I’m really wondering if it’s worth it.
I would say that any farming class at level 250 as ranger or even pyro/linker could outgold an Alchemist.

So, I finish with this question. Is alchemist REALLY worth it?

Can’t really say because currently it only have 2 circles, i would say alchemist DEFINITELY lost in silver generating compared with other classes.
What you need to consider:

  1. Alchemist haven’t reach its full potential considering its still at 2 circles (compared to Squire/Pardoner)
  2. You can gain silver passively, instead of actively have to farm for them like most of other classes. (sidenote: you can use your other character WHILE the alche is “opening store”)
  3. You do gain other ‘unique’ skill useful for you or your friends (awakening / potions)
  4. There may be future updates that nerf/buff alchemist (or its entirely possible the nerf of other classes that make alchemist looks more appealing for you)

worth or not, that’s up to the individual to decide :smiley:

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It’s a trap /20chars

I knew you could play another character while your alchemist is selling his stuff.
But, can you sell your stuff with a squire, pardoner and alchemist, all at the same time, while playing a fourth character?
That would be worth it, even though alchemist seems worse than the others.

The shop wont be your income as alchemist. The amount of gems people put in gear is just not that high to be considered a steady income.

The way you earn money is lvl10 potions. I trade my potions 1:1 for dilgele in chat. 2 dilgele=5 potions. That way i dont even have to farm at all. I craft more potions, keep some on the storage to trade for dilgele, and sell them on the market for ~1k each. Just yesterday i sold potions for about 600k

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Also consider how long it takes to actually make the potions. To craft 1 batch of 5 potions takes 20 seconds. I just made 200 batches of potions so it took 1 hour just to craft them. You also can’t do anything else while your character is sitting there crafting the potions, so you have to weigh if the time investment of farming + actually spending time to make the potions is worth it to you.

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My main character is going to be an Alchemist C2 and i gotta be honest with you, things don’t look so good right now. There are a lot of Alchemists alts offering the service you would for money making which is Gem Roasting, you can make potions and get awakening for utility but as it is right now i would say it’s a gamble at best. I say gamble because if you, like me, go for C2 you’re rolling the dice that they will either buff the class or make circle 3 good.

I’m picking Alchemist regardless, i like the class’s concept and fell in love right away but i can’t, in good conscience, recommend a class with an uncertain future.


I’ve been questioning myself as well. I planned to be an alchemist mainly to tinker with Magnum Opus, but i’m having some doubts about it.
As a matter of fact, despite requiring latter circles, alchemists can’t do anything else but craft. Combustion is terrible, and yet it is the only combat skill they get.
Even worse, the other skills don’t even require actually playing with an alchemist to benefit from them, since they’re permanent anyway. Briquetting, getting potions, roasting gems…they are useful when setting up a fight, in a town, but they don’t have an use in the battlefield.
I mean, at least a squire can put a camp, give some buffs with the food, and give its temporary buffs on the fly if he wants to do so. It can make itself useful with the tools that the class provides. The alchemist just cannot do so, and thus has no place in parties.
Imho, they should just scrap combustion and dig to replace them with some other skills.
For example, make it so that alchemists can craft new “throwable” potions, and use them via new skills (with no sp cost and average cooldowns).
Like, “throw hp potion” and “throw sp potion” to support allies, and “throw explosive potion” to damage enemies. It would be something, at least.

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Well I actually plan to do an Alchemist as a secondary character which is only supposed to support my main Characters ^^V
I know usually you are supposed to buy your stuff from other alchemists but as I am always broke I want to make one myself … but sadly it takes some time :frowning:

If your on telsai don’t really suggest it since lvl 10 alch pots are only 750 silver each and dilgeles are hard to comeby cuz of goldsellers using dilgeles to sell silver

Imho, that’s the issue with it - right now, an alchemist makes no sense as anything but a secondary character. As far as fighting goes, those ranks are essentially empty slates with nothing to show off for them.
And that won’t change even with later ranks. There will be no reason to bother levelling an alchemist after you’ve got the third rank, cause you may as well have another char that gets something useful instead and goes forward with it.
There is just too much to give up.

You are right. And your idea of throwing potions skills is just brilliant. I wish IMC could hear you.

the dilgele part is just not true. go to kvailas forest. they drop in the hundreds there. kill matsums. well populated and 25% dropchance for dilgele

I have doubt about magnum opus actually, the idea behind its mechanic are surely interesting but i don’t see any future where leveling magnum opus would be worth it, yet not game breaking…
kinda hard for anyone to set the balance to that skill i think
i would like if they do scrap dig, combustion, and magnum opus to some other skill… (preferably combat skill since if they do remove combustion, alche have 0 skill for combat)
as for the other possible skills, these are my comments:

  • throw hp/sp potion kinda nice but would be a bit bland (if alche can throw his buff pot with increased duration/ maybe use 2 pot for whole party, now that’s a different story :smile: )
  • throwing away explosive would just take the unique aspect of fletcher
  • making a homonculus with the different monster cards’ ‘body parts’ can be cool (if i recall correctly this was the very old necromancer shaggoth concept)
  • transmutation is a traditional concept for alchemist, but i don’t have any unique idea how this could be an attack skill…
  • [philosopher’s stone/ arcane circle/ whatever the name] which would be a buff skill with a radius, similar to corsair’s pirate flag may also work if the buff are potent enough
    feel free to comment on the skill suggestion, maybe if there are enough interest and it’s feasible the developer can implement them :grin:

note: sorry if this post is out of topic

I have a text file regarding most of magnum opus ingredient lists. of course, all combinations havn’t been discovered. but to spare you the pain, it’s not worth getting put in materials; (mostly from monsters) and put them into different forms on the grid, such as H formations, square, L formation and others…there is one combination that MAYBE worth it…but it’s not worth getting right now until people have found a better development of it

If you are in Telsiai, being an alchemist isn’t worth it as there are many noob alchemists, especially the new ones who undercuts from 50-100 silver. The potion price can drop insanely low to a point that it’s not worth it.

I heard alchemist works well if you have a Templar and a guild. something about the seeds being able to grow alchemist ingredience. the main problem with alchemist is the fact you have to trade to get your silver while everyone else can just set up a shop and go to sleep or what not. while they do have gem roasting its a service that’s not needed as much as squire’s repair or pardoner’s buffing services. what they need is the ability to set up a shop that sells their potions. on the plus side I guess one way of thinking of it is if you make your own potions. while you wont make silver you will save silver. if your making your own potions your spending a lot less on making them than if you buy them from the npcs or other players so that’s one pro to a alchemist. if your after a business you can make a lot of silver on though in their current state its not very profitable unless your going to do a lot of shout and manual trades