Tree of Savior Forum

Is a Centaurus card affect Lightning Hands?

Hi, I’m just new to Enchanter C2 and I want to choose red cards for my AA Enchanter.
As on the title. Is it affect Lightning Hands? Or any better choice?

My build is : Wz2 Pyro1 Thau3 Rune1 En2, full SPR.

PS. Sorry for my bad English.

I was wondering the same. Somewhere i read lh is indeed affected by your aoe atk ratio but i’m not sure. Sometimes i think it works like flare shot scout that can hit everything in a small radius but i dont know.

That I do not know. What I do know is:

that is 10 ranks of classes :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I felt sooo sleepy b4 created this forum last night XD XD XD.

Yes it does. However, Lightning Hands AoE is so small, its like 1 heal tile. But you can hit several mobs in that small area if you have high AoE ratio (Centa card, cat buff, vubbe gaunt, etc)

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