Tree of Savior Forum

Involve player to remove bots and make TOS great again?

Hello everyone,

First of all, sorry for my english, i will try to explain clearly my thoughts.

I am not sure if this idea came up already, but what about involving the players in the bot hunt. Is it possible to reward players for doing some work ?

If IMC put some rules on “how to proceed when you meet a bot”. Maybe some screen, or a video capture, post on a dedicated place in the forum etc etc …

The reward for bot hunting could be attractive, i mean personally if i had to take and upload a video or a screen here with some explanations, i’ll do it, even for no rewards, but heh.

I don’t know if it’s possible for IMC, i don’t know the number of bots we are talking about. It could be just a bad idea, i was just wondering.

In addition to straight rules to post a report, there should be straight rules to identify bots. And some ways to avoid false alerts, reports spam and slander. Any ideas how to organize such a system?

Im a game designer myself - allbit a novice one, and a system I plan to try out is a “vote” system, much like Newgrounds has for flash videos. If enough people report a player as a bot (be they gold spammers, teleport bots, or unlimited range bots) then their account gets suspended for review, with the last bit of data of the actions of that player being recorded as evidence. The owner of the account can then attempt to unban his account via a support system, where the active GMs can review the case. In the event that the account is proven to be innocent, then the players that voted the account as a bot gets an invisible flag only noticeable to those with GM privileges. If the number of these flags reaches a threshold, those players will simply loose their ability to report bots, or in more serious cases, have their own accounts temporarily suspended.
As a reward for reporting bots, players can gain something of no physical value in game, but one of aesthetic value - Maybe special skin options around hp bars and what not, or a unique costume or aura. There could also just be a ranking systems much like Newgrounds use to do. Depending on the game, there are many ways to go about this. By putting the power in the players hands, you allow them to deal with the issue that would otherwise cost the company running the game, far more money by overloading their staff with bot reports, server stability, and loss of profits from players leaving. All around its a solid idea.

I welcome all constructive criticism on this too btw.
~The Crimson Dawn~