Tree of Savior Forum

Invocation max?

should I max invocation or leave it at 8? Warlock…

8 its enough for 100% uptime, better save those 2 points for evil sacrifice and DT, there are lots of discussions about this in the forum already o:

thanks! I need to get a reset now

invocation gets more dmg per lvl, and you want a bit more duration than “100% uptime” to actually keep a buff up 100% of the time…
not sure what the DT recommendation is about, agony/mastema have more potential power

what does that exactly mean? lvl8 has 60s duration and 60s cd, that’s 100% uptime, besides with divine might you get those 5 extra (unneeded) seconds. It’s true you could get more damage with higher level, but evil sacrifice and dt have utility that can be useful. ES is mostly situational, although I can see it being a boss melter with the new invocation buffs. DT is good in ET for destroying objectives, it serves as a damage filler too.

it means the instant the buff runs out, chances are you will be using some attack that just came off cooldown, knocked down by some boss, running for your life, or many other things. hence a bit of extra time is helpful. the animation is pretty long too, and it’s something you wont have to do quite as often.

this principal is much more noticable with party buffs than self buffs.

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Doesn’t really beat having ES and DT. Invocation is most used for DPS floors in ET, most of those mobs don’t cause any kind of trouble that would prevent you from recasting on time.

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nothing is stopping you from having these skills.
I’m not sure where this assumption came from. and you should probably add a point of ghastly trail to that, maybe more if you have surespell as it adds ? 30% ? spirit dmg at lvl1. do you really feel compelled to max pole of agony?
if you aren’t willing to trans your weapon, why not just skip invocation entirely, max mastema/pole and put more than one point in DT?

Everybody can build their characters however they want, it’s theirs, more experienced players are here to tell others the most efficient way, you decide whether to follow or not.

DT does reaaaaally bad damage now, it might be good for low hp mobs, but that’s about it. Ghastly trail is a pretty fun skill and it does give a good damage increase, but the duration is ridiculously short and has high cd, if you really like it you can take it over evil sacrifice.

In the test I made while the reset event was still going on, I’ve assumed that the damage dealt by invocation was scalling with its level. Then I just max it. Also got PoA 9, and mastema 10, and the remaining point for ES.

Eh, I think DT is pretty garbage for the most part. Invocation is much better in almost every PVE situation, except vs bosses without adds of course. My spirits from level 8 invocation consistently hit for about 35-40k each tick per sprit (sometimes they tick 3 times, other times 1 or 2 ticks). DT when maxed is no where near that kind of damage unless you are fighting a solo boss with no adds, and even then its on a cd. If there’s any other mobs around for me to gain spirits from, then DT goes back to being trash.

If you farm anything outside of bosses only, then Invocation is the way to go. But if all you care about is fighting bosses then I suppose you could skip Invocation entirely and just focus on DT, although I feel like it makes you more boss focused and weaker vs mobs (which in my opinion is a weaker build all around).

Invocation and ES are amazing vs bosses if there is mobs around. I can 1 shot salus bosses thanks to invocation, and its only level 8. On the other hand DT its more of a “tool” than an OP damage skill, its useful for breaking targets in ET and library, killing anoying flyng mobs, finishin mobs when in CD, and also its nice to have in pvp, even at level 1 it can be probe very useful ^^, however as many people had said you can skip it and you’ll probably dont miss it, but being honest, looking at the rest of the skills its not like there’s good skills around to level up, other than invocation at 9, because skiping ES its not a good idea at all.

As a final note, rank 9 its said to come at the end of this year so dont overthink it since when that happens pretty much will depend on wich skill we get for warlock 3.