Tree of Savior Forum

[Intel] New Warlock Skills and Attributes

fc is pretty useless unless you do ET. add DT and Mastema.

warlock 2 only got dark theurge lv 10

Few points on Warlock some people might ā€œlikeā€ to know:

  • High-Evil Spirits (Red Spirits) do NOT deal more damage, they might deal a bigger number of hits (which I canā€™t really test since I got the attribute at level 1) but at least with what I got they hit EXACTLY the same value.

  • Mastemaā€™s DoT has VERY low matk scaling, it scales very well with attributes, quickcast and the skillā€™s Base Damage but Magic Attack and Properties seem to be divided amongst all Mastema hits.

  • Drain and Sabbath are sh*t-tier currently, Evil Sacrifice is cool for situational uses, PoA is worth 1 point (+scrolls if you are soloing).

Iā€™ll vouch for this, i noticed it earlier when i finally got a red spirit to hit a mob undisputed - they indeed hit more times. Testing is indeed awful with level 1 of the attribute, and honestly i donā€™t think iā€™ll be maxing it anytime soon if at all :pensive:

Im sure guys you notice than in rank 8 DT10 needs a lot of time in melee for do all the damage, and if I stay in melee for that long Iā€™m a dead man. Plus it seems mobs agro everything now.

So I think I will use Evil Sacrifice to stay in range, but it seems its dificult to aim, and sometimes, I dont know why, it misses. And then I think, well if I have to use Evil Sacrifice and some miss, maybe is good idea to raise Absorb to 5 and see what happends.

Anyone can confirm is Absorb 5 is bad skill too?

You mean Drain? Itā€™s bugged, not worth at all.

I have a question, isnā€™t DT lvl 10 supposed to hit 35 times? At lvl 5 it was 5 hits, so I supposed itā€™d go like this 5/5/6/6/7/7 (lvl5,6,7,8,9,10). I was counting the hits yesterday and I got 30 hits.


level - hits
1 - 2
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 3
5 - 4
6 - 4
7 - 5
8 - 5
9 - 6
10 - 6

30 times level 10.

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Yeah you need divine might for 35 hits, the numbers andre pasted above are the actual scaling

Im wiz3 linker3 war2 full con, masterma work really good (with link)
even with my poor 600 matk, 280+ mob still die very fast when i use jp + hk + masterma (10 linked mob die in 2-3 tick), i think thats why they make some monster resist link in every new map, but its ok with me, let other dps kill them, im just a support, not a god can do every thing, ha ha

Jp + hk + mm is still good, but new monster hp too high, MM even bypass 150 hit count from link but they still have half hp remain, that make me use masterma more than mm

In pvp, plague doctor just block all of my damage, that sad, ha ha, but joining top 100 is still easy, i like how the rank number show near my name, look like a medal

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So my new second Wizzy is about to reach R8ā€¦
And from what I see, new Mastema is the skill to invest points and silver.

Does anyone know how maths works with the damage outcome? Per skill level and per attribute?

for me i am still quite unsure whether to go for PoA or mastema

Mastema. Either 10 or 8 depending whether you see any value in Invocation.
The new Attribute on Mastema is sufficient on lvl 1. DMG Attribute is worthy.

Can someone please answer those two questions?

1 - Iā€™m going for W3 L3 WL2, have already invested 27 points in CON, do I need more?

2 - How many time does invocation summoned spirit lasts?

1: I prefer a lot more CON. You are not a high dd anyways.
2: Not quite sure, something like 40 seconds. Never really tested it.

I see, thank you. If they do not buff int I might reset someday.

The classic 4:1 int con is very good

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no more con. new items give way too much hp there is absolutely no need in any con stat.

full int ftw.

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By that logic you can also go full CON given how much damage the new items give.


With the new transcendence system tobeimplemented in Ktos, a full con build might actually be somewhat feasible seeing as a Stage 10 weapon transcendence will be much easier to acquire.
It will probably make trascending armor much more viable too. Since %HP bonus only applies to your base hp + con hp, it will not affect hp you get from gear, leaving you with very very low hp comparatively.