Tree of Savior Forum

[Intel] New Warlock Skills and Attributes

You walk around until you find the map. This is what is commonly called exploration.


Steel Height -> go north to inner 8 -> right to the entrance is a … elevator ? -> inner 9 -> go south outer 9

@Atamazon thanks :smiley:

kinda off topic, but what kind of monster card would improve a warlock’s gameplay? chapparition?

Chapparition indeed. Pot + Dark Surge.

Is mastema a true aoe? As in, would it work with link or not exactly?

Yes works with link :smile:

so considering the DoT attribute damage scale with Mastema’s level, is it worth to maxed it? anyone tried mastema lv10 with attribute yet? planning to use skill reset soon

Not maxed but to be honest in the end level 8 is the way to go.
1 Pole, 10 Invocation & Surge, 1 Sacrifice, 8 Mastema.

New skills are totally bad.

I plannig :

1 PoA
8 Invocation
10 DT
10 Mastema
1 Evil Sacrifice

I think lv8 invocation is enough for duration, and I might drop Evil Sacrifice too since from my experience this skill isn’t useful

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Level 8 invocation = less hits per spirit. Level 8 is 5 hits per spirit, level 9 & 10 are 6 hits, level 11 is 7. So max it if you play with… any cleric2s at all.

Yes. it will work with link but it does not work like FC where the AOE stays on the ground for 10 seconds. It only hits targets that are inside the initial AOE and does DOT on the targets. New targets running into the aoe after the first hit won’t take any damage.

Just sold my items just now. I will test mastema all the way from 10% attribute to 90% and give you guys update.

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Do you have the data on maximum hits for level 10 Dark Theurge as well?

Same numbers. aaaaaaaaa

And also those Demon Souls are quite strong.
Only problem is that I am poor so I can’t really tell what the difference is and how it scales. :frowning:

would like to know about this as well if its worth it to level the attribute. as of now it cost like 24m to max it to level 30.


Mastema attribute scales with skill lvl and attribute lvl.
I have mastema max dot attribute max skill and the dot hits for 8k (lvl70 dmg attribute)
It’s actully a good skill, and it will allow you to do damage to retarded magic def monster. You will see when you hit dongeon 290 the magical mobs will take 1 damage by your spells that are not rank8, and you wont be able to link them…
Yup i have a attribute 80 frost cloud and it deals 1 damage SO FUN. So yeah mastema will be a life saver.

thanks for sharing!

just a question, does the mastema dot attribute reduce your damage taken since it lowers monsters str/dex/int? also does the attribute increase damage or is it better to just leave it at level 1?

btw you need around 19xx-20xx matk to actually deal damage to vilkas fighter in 290 dungeon.

I dont know i instant maxed out the attribute. And yes i get less damage i guess, but it’s not very notticable in pve (lolol everything hits me like a fucking truck because rank8 YO).

Either you have to have an insain amout of magic damage, or high base damage skills, that is why mastema actully deals damage to retardes high mdef monster.

The only thing that is bugged IMO with mastema, is that it does not seem to scale with chapparition proc, i need more testing but i am pretty sure it’s a bug since it scales with quick cast.

yea the problem right now is all of ele’s base damage is too low. IMC can easily fix this by allowing int to scale along with ele’s skills or release a necklace that increases all elemental damage by 50-100%? even with the necklace ele’s wont even be as good as new r8 classes but it will very certainly help out.