Tree of Savior Forum

INT Stat Need Boost

magical damage cannot be blocked or avoided So its fairly effective.
Con just makes for a better investment with the frequent soloing players do and PvP. If the mages can guarantee their safety they can go Int just fine.

I think the magic damage part of INT is fine, the problem is that that’s all it gives.

There are MANY sorts of stats and attirubutes and things in this game, INT shouldn’t ONLY boost matk, every stat does other things.


INT just isn’t worth it. It makes you spend tons and tons of silver on pots while leveling, you get 1 shotted by dungeon and world bosses, you’re a detriment to your entire party as you run around and attempt to not get hit, thus losing DPS.

Using a CON/SPR build, I still 1 shot all solo content with a single spell. So why put yourself through so much extra work at money for trivial damage?

ok, then lets give 90% phs skills cast or 1-2s animation and AA without cleave and with low speed. And same HP base. And no STR in crit dmg. And other stuff. Ok? :grin:

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Some things that could be done with int:

  1. Int could reduce the chance of getting interrupted while casting by 0.15% per int. 300 int = 50% chance of not getting interrupted when being hit
  2. Int could increase sp recovery of sp potions by 1% per int (each 100 int = 100% sp recovery from potions)
  3. Int could reduce the intervall time between each sp regeneration tick. So while SPR increases amount of sp recovered per tick int reduces the waiting time between each sp-recovery tick
  4. Int could reduce the cooldown of skills by 0.05% per int. Each 200 int = 10% less cooldown for skills

Of course not all of them at the same time ^_^;;


I think INT should just double or maybe x1.5 of it’s current damage multiplier(ATM INT increases damage by 1 per point, it should do 1.5~2x more), even double isn’t stretching it to me TBH. it could also increase AOE attack ratio.

IMO magical damage should be more fluctuating, instead of a fixed number(e.g; 300~300), and INT should make you hit the upper bracket of it more.

Yea it also could increase AOE attack ratio (like +1 each 100 INT) and area of AOE (like +1 each 200).

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I like that idea. Btw I think they should make all stats somewhat appealing to every kind of class.

For example as I saw/know there are some swordman classes that has some skills that could benefit a bit from INT… but it still doesn’t offer enough things imo and I’m not sure but it didn’t seemed it is worth it to go for INT…

AoE attack ratio for example could be a nice touch if it affects them too.

But also I think STR and DEX should have benefits for wizards too.

That’s another reason I would love to see a whole stat revamp…but maybe it won’t ever happen.

I think that still could be a bit too much for full INT builds so maybe it would need some adjustments. I’m not sure but if we will have 600 levels maybe we can even reach 2k INT X)… But I know it was just an example anyway… X)

Well Dex could increase casting speed - that would provide more diversity.

Oh and another idea for INT - increasing chance of applying status effects (burning, freeze etc.)

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It only needs some extra effect, maybe SP related, but if u do that, why the hell in the world would we bother getting SPR for mages?

What if it gives 1 matk and maybe 1 magic amp per level? correct me if i’m wrong but magic amp seems to be something like “max attack increase” for magic classes. As i far as i know, if u have like 300 magic amp u can add 0-300 matk to your hits randomly. If thats correct, it shouldn’t be nearly as good as a 2 matk per level and would make some sense.

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You can’t go full INT, 'cause the MP cost of skills is pretty high. And the glass cannon excuse doesn’t work in ToS, because of the awkward tanking and aggro system in this game. I personally prefer going SPR=INT. Nuff damage, large sp pool, good sp regen. INT is kind of okay atm but it should have magic amplification bonus ( do we know how this thing works? )

m.amp is just a max damage increase for magic damage.

As the level cap raises int will just get better and better. Going int is playing the long game.

You really should have some con though. you want to aim at around 15k hitpoints in the end now, with plate mastery and gems and such.

Does +INT Thauma buff get the bonus effects as well? If thats the case, +145 INT = +290 INT on classes with >500 INT.

Nope - the buffs and item related stats are just additives.

M AMP works like that: MAtt = Matt + (0.5 x MAmp) (since there is roughly 50% chance of damage amplification). So if our Matt is 200 and Mamp is 100 - our TrueMAtt will be 250.

If you go full INT, you will regret at end game.
Arrow mob at LV230+ hit me 6000 damage. (12kHP necro)