Tree of Savior Forum

Instanced Clear Voucher Party!

Looking for people with vouchers (2 stars) to form a “VOUCHER PARTY”! Im interested in 145/160 dungeon clear. Got 3 vouchers (2 stars) so far. The more people with vouchers, the more levels we will get in less than hour. Instance dungeone reset voucher will be a bonus in this type of party. When? Well, preferably this weekend. Levels are waiting!

Fedimian. /20characters

How about this sunday? I will try to get my character in 145 range until tomorrow. I have 3 clearvoucher as well (2 stars)

My ingame teamname is BiigDaddy
Ill be online around 10 pm this evening

This was posted like a month ago :smiley: But still… Im doing voucher runs from time to time, but mostly for 190 dungeon now.