Tree of Savior Forum

Inquisitor/Zealot/Oracle skills distribution?

I’m started levelling a Inquisitor and I’ll probably be going down Zealot and Oracle path. What skills should I be picking up?

I’ve played a little with the simulator and this is what I’ve got:


Pear of Judgement seems situational so is Malleus? So maybe not worth picking up? In that case, max Judgement?


Blind Faith combos with Arcane Energy, so maxing that out. Invul situational, so 1 point. Not sure about Immolation and Fanatic Illusion. Immolation has 2 overheat which is why I put remaining points into that. Fanatism seems really good, so maxing that out. Beady Eye buff only lasts for 5 seconds, not sure it warrants more than 1 point. Emphatic trust seems good.


Well, only thing here is Twist of Fate, it’s interesting but on the other hand can backfire.

Any suggestions?

hey, i use this
max beady eyed and judgement
beady buff is not “only 5 sec” its 50% uptime
malleus and pears both knda meh

if you not sure about oracle - there is also paladin, conviction boosts godsmash damage by alot and turns smite into 3hits attack (2\3 normal smite damage but x3 lines)

Paladin is also an option but Oracle is kind of interesting. Would you use Blind Faith without Arcane Energy though. Seems like a massive drain on mana. I suppose it’s not that bad if you pot straight after.

I personally think zealot goes very well with oracle. It’s almost like they are meant for each other. Max death sentence, foretell, arcane energy, and obviously divine might. Foretell protects you when you have fanatasicm active. Arcane energy with blind faith like you said.

I use krivis as my third class. Divine stigma is an OK buff. Zaibas attacks with high frequency which combos well with blind faith imo. Melstis extends fanatic illusion and fanatasicm.

Oracle boost your dps more then Paladin.

Oracle partners well with Zealot, Paladin partners well with Inquisitor.

Oracle basically makes you able to use either or both of the super drain abilities without any consequence (immune to the dmg of Immolation, and gain back mana lost during Fanatic Illusion + Blind Faith), that’s a really powerful synergy.

Paladin is really good at adding some debuffs to make Inquisitor abilities hit really hard plus Paladin has some good attacks to go with it when using a 2H weapon. Paladin will also have a regen aura. I’d honestly recommend Oracle to go with that pairing and drop Zealot, though, if you’re going that route so you can still have Death Sentence and Arcane Energy to help with SP.

Thanks all, that helps.