Tree of Savior Forum

Inquisitor path?


Yes, and I still don’t think it’s bad. Obviously by full SPR it should be used as high SPR, you need to get good CON and can even put INT points.

Full INT to 0 INT, at level 330 with good gear and transcendence will have 15~20% difference in damage. But your party will be greatly improved by Stone Skin and Blessing on a high SPR build.

And I expected nothing less.

Even with the cleric2 debacle your main stick was insinuating I was too biased for recommending it. Even though we both know that’s not an argument you dare put forth anymore.

If you genuinely & truly “knew” me to be wrong you’d need nothing more then an argument and maybe some math to prove as such.
But you always result to finding an excuse to ignore opposing arguments. (Biased/Rudeness/Predictions)

And that’s the key issue here, you do not put forth the effort try to be objective and try to ensure you help out the newbies.
Yet you continue to find ways to worsen the advice and atmosphere of these forums by counter-acting the very people who do put forth that effort.

That type of behavior is in itself toxic and rude, and deserves to be called out.
Don’t make mistakes and I won’t call you out.
[Though I already explained this once before.]

Druid3 stonehenge doubles health.
Full int druid3 builds are therefore more than capable for pve.

This is getting repetitive.

Well then, I guess they have a balance of damage and survivability.

I don’t care if you are Einstein himself. Acting like a dipshit on the internet will get you ignored on the internet.

Enjoy it up there on your ivory tower.

Been ingnoring him for a week for that very reason. He doesnt seem to understand anything outside his own little world.

INT is a greedy way to build a priest and honestly, the only reason to go INT on a priest is if you’re planning on picking up something like plague doc 2 or druid. There is no reason to go int on a priest 3 build otherwise.

I get it for other builds but we were talking about Priest3 specifically, so yeah…INT priest3 is garbage.

I say full SPR for priest is one of the best builds and he goes on about Zalciai bug fixed and other classes that aren’t priest. lol.

Whatever. Priest 3 in general is pretty ‘meh’ for PvE. Better off going Priest1 and getting other useful things.

Indeed, or hell, no priest at all since its not really needed.

people have little knowledge.

Full spirit is horrible after the zaicai nerf and no circle 8 class having sinergy with it.

We need to wait for miko, but when 330 will it, that will be problably the WORST patch time for a con/spirit cleric, no matter the math.

So stop going mad at someone that obv know the theorycraft much BETTER then you, this is a forum to help people theorycraft, I’m sick of nabs throwing bad insight to make the life of newbie a nightmare.

And to be clear, I LOVE the idea of a full support, I have a cleric 2 priest 3 sitting in my chars hoping that they will fix full sup playstile sooner or later.

At the new 330, if u want to be meta, I heavily suggest (pve wise)

C2 K3 D2 T1

C2 Diev 3 D1 PD2

They will be, I bet, the most 2 required classed for ET (diev build mainly, Krivis for obv tandem porpous).

I rolled an inqui, yes, but is still much unknown about the potential, honestly. Barrier scrolls still ruin the class 3/4.

Anything else? totally hipster (aside from, maybe, dedicated bokor/pd build).

I hope I’m gonna enjoy the inqui till they fix spirit clerics, but seeing ppl advise spirit chars in this patch time make me mad, srly :stuck_out_tongue:

Stone Skin requires SPR to keep up the block. Without SPR, priest 2 is sufficient if you really want some support utility. Revive, ress, monstrance, and mass heal %based heal will always be useful. The lower blessing will be ok during early/mid game, and blessing buff will still help other people heal tiles hit twice if they decide to healbomb.

Priest 1 for ress is okay too, however you cannot ress yourself once you die. Priest alive -> party alive. You would need priest2 to put revive buff on yourself.

After watching inquis vids again,I recommend 1 point into malleus, especially if you would like to PvP. The skill is homing on mid-range and close range targets. The applied debuff is lvl 3 (requires plague doc to remove). The damage is absolutely ridiculous. Malleus damage and hitcount is higher than some wizard rank 8 magic attacks. I have seen several vids of malleus at pvp without INT, at least 7 homing hits which cannot be blocked or dodged (magic damage).

Edit: yay I found the vid.
Watch the malleus oneshot of the inquistor at bottom left of the screen:

Those pears vs players…

I’m not talking about the priest class per se (which I totally love)

but about the fact that they “fixed” zaicai (now it’s capped at basically 200 spirit) and you have NO other reasons to do spirit aside blessing/stone skin since rank 6-7-8 classes does NOT sinergy at ALL with spirit. And we are talking about rank 6-8, not some rank 3 filler -.-

I hope it’s clear enough.

I can see some pve priest working, with 200 spirit and then switching to int.

You run around all they long with your zaicai/daino/barrier/heal scrolls, having an high level blessing/stone skin and capped zaicai.

even then, what to take at circle 6-8 is kind of a mistery for me. Paladin for perma restoration at rank 6 (and a low duration elemental res vs boss) or druid and pd 7-8?

Even then, priest need better rank 6. Waiting for miko guys :stuck_out_tongue: if this is gonna work, I’m gonna be the happiest of us all ^^

Now back on inqui! ^^

I’m rerolling into a Cleric2 > Priest1 > Paladin3 > ? > Inquisitor. I opted to go for Priest on R3 for the monstrance since I play solo most of the time (except in grinds). I feel that while the statues are amazing (I played Diev3), going only for one circle of Diev would contribute less in a party in the long run because of the stationary nature of the statues as compared to the 100% uptime of an addtl 30% dex + resu.

My problem is choosing R7. I’m thinking of having PD for the healing factor and bloodletting or Priest C2 for Revive and Mass Heal. PvE-wise, which one is more ideal in party play endgame?

you can get 1 circle of Monk for double punch pew pew pew on the breaking wheel, or you can even take 1 diev to have both priest and diev.
Also what about Kabba for r7f? - if you are planning to PvP this might work wonders. I have seen someone do it on kToS pvp

I was initially going for Monk so I could sustain my Inqui’s dps while Breaking Wheel is on CD but thought that 5 points in Double Punch, which is only 375 base damage, might not be the best option for r7 as it has a good chance of falling of hard late game. I feel that Diev, having previously played this class, should be C3 or nothing - but that’s just personal prefrence.

Kabbalist on the other hand is an extremely good option for PvP. But I’m not too much fond of it and will probably just stick with PvE.

I’m aware that Inquisitor can solo grind most content atm with Barrier + Breaking Wheel + Conviction + God Smash. At R7, I think choosing a single circle class for DPS (Monk, Druid, Diev) isn’t worth it since most of it are magic based anyway. I’m looking for a class that would strongly bring something to the table when I’m partying in dungeons, missions or grinds.

It’s between Priest2 (Revive, Mass Heal) and PD (HF, Bloodletting) for now. Although I’m open to other options as I may have overlooked some of the classes.

What about krivis? Daino will be a good help in party… But again pd beats it

I’m using Diev 1 Paladin 3 PD 1. That’s what I thought was the best for me and it’s working as I expected.

Laima helps the party a lot and improves your dps as well. Even if there’s another Diev (which is not always) bosses and mobs might move a lot, statues might get destroyed, so it’s not that bad to have extra Laimas. Also Carving does give a good dps in Leather type. Zemyna helps with sp cause you do use a lot with Smite low CD (Carve is not that high either). God Smash and Breaking Wheel will have a 50s if I’m not wrong? You can reduce 7s in it (Laima takes like 3s to carve).

PD’s healing factor I use for myself as I’m a physical dps, helps me not be concerned of being killed so easy and also not using heal tiles that much. Bloodletting in some mobs with freeze, sleep, poison does its trick. Fumigate also is good as Bloodletting prevent, Fumigate cure. Pandemic can also help to spread debuffs from your party to othe mobs, even Conviction debuff which has very small area.

Priest can work for Monstrance and Ress for your party, mostly ress tbh as monstrance is quite boring to keep up and sometimes it may not be good for you party members (not many meele dps, overbuff).

Monk will bring dps filler as Smite + God Smash (even if you add Carve here) will let you in auto atk for some time, but in boss fights it may not be a problem.

Diev 2 will bring longer Laima and World Tree which is quite nice but long CD. Priest 2 will have Revive which is awesome and Sacrament (ppl die and lose their Pardoner buffs sometimes), Mass Heal 5 helps for desperate healing moments. And about Kabbalist 1 the only massive pro in PVE is Ein Sof mana battery, really. R7F works well in boss fights.

Just highlighting the pros but, tbh, I also have a Priest 3 Paladin 3 and Priest works well with SPR. For a physical dps Paladin, you won’t have points left to put in SPR to make it nice as you need DEX/STR. With Priest the Paladin becames more of a support rather than dps, in my opinion.


This is very insightful. Thank you for highlighting the pros of each class. I’m now leaning more towards PD as I think that its utility kit is the most beneficial for a dps role towards end game content.

This is the build I made. Basically as Pally Inquisitor you can change rank3 and 7.

Inquisitor Build

It depends of what you want to do. More support party horiented: take Priest c1. If Krivis go Plage Doctor for Solo better. As half support Krivis Pardoner and money making. Dierv at Rank3 also helps to pull mobs, but well not that necesary if you can take agro and barrier. It helps with Simte spam for less SP consumption, but not hat usefull in Rank8, since smite will be a filler. Kabba for SP and PvP, it has some other usses in boss fights to redirect damage.

my paladin has preist at rank 3, no reason really, the ress is just nice and not many other options other than diev. at rank 7 im choosing miko, we havent heard much of it, and if we dont hear anything about it by time my char gets to rank 7 (probaby in a long ime, rank 6 > 7 takes long, plus i level alts) then i might take oracle or diev or krivis.

All this wall text. Seem like all those idiot Dps play like Rambo Style.