Tree of Savior Forum

Info On Frost Cloud

I’m surprised people haven’t caused a fuss over the nerd to Frost Cloud mentioned in the KTOS patch notes

(AoE attack ratio for Frost Cloud changed to be base 10 + skill level)

Am I missing something or do people think maybe we wont get the same patch notes?

Thats what Frost Cloud already is in Itos.

It already works that way.

Can you give me any feedback on the skill itself 800 hours of game play all archers I’m clueless when it comes to a mage .

Frost cloud still strong even with the limit to targets ?

I played Ele3 before and after the “nerf”, I never noticed the change.

What do you mean by this?
Frost cloud in iTOS atm can hit unlimited number of enemies.

You will never notice the difference between the unlimited hits and the limitted version. It works pretty much the same and due the high limit it is really really hard to reach. Maybe it is a bit notorious in ET, but still works really well, no complains at all.

Hit limit is really easy to notice.
Medium mobs count as ‘2’ aoe def, so if you have an aoe atk of 16 youll only be hitting 8 at the same time. Its especially noticeable on meteor even though it has a base ratio of 14.
Frost cloud, on the other hand, can hit 15+ medium monsters at the same time, which means its base aoe ratio is at least 25+ atm

Thanks, Help me out with this. Can I deal more AOE damage for earth tower as a mage then a archer? Im about to puke archer ive made so many +220 archers. saved up all my money made so far and was thinking I would be able out dps a archer by dumping it all into this upcoming ele wiz lock .

Yeah in terms of AoE I think you can deal much more as a wizard than an archer. Best AoE for ET on the Archer side is probably a Wugushi-Falcannon (especially when assisted by links), but it doesn’t benefit much from stuff like Pass since the poisons would just overwrite instead of stack.

I didn’t find any AoE Ratio nerf to Frost Cloud in the kTOS patch notes. I only found it on ours, along with the several other nerfs applied to us that kTOS didn’t get.

Land deployments don’t really seem to be “hits enemies in the target area every X seconds” but is instead “enemies in the target area take a hit every X seconds”. Sorry I’m not good at explaining things LOL. But what I mean is like… When you cast Flame Ground on a monster then another monster comes into the AoE half a second later, the monsters don’t take hits at the same time. The one that entered half a second later also takes damage half a second later.

This could be why Frost Cloud (or any land deployment AoE that isn’t hit-limited) isn’t really affected by the AoE Ratio nerf since it could just be hitting a different set of targets with a 0.01 second difference.

I dunno LOL. Or maybe IMC just didn’t even patch that right

Some archers works really well there (Cannoner, Fletcher3, Wugushi), but Wiz>Ele>War will be better for sure.

Thank you for your input

Seriously? You never expected Frost Cloud to get nerfed even though it’s the most OP AoE DPS skill BY FAR?

It STILL is the best skill even with that limitation but that will make everyone’s ET harder since Ele 3 already IS a must for ET because of Frost Cloud.


If it really works like that there’s no point on AoE attack ratio for these skills at all, can’t really test it and I don’t think this nerf will be implemented anytime soon but that is a good test to be done.

I believe people don’t notice the AoE Ratio because mobs die before it finishes to it ends up being able to hit another mob and they all end up dead.

Well, something has to be the best AOE in the game, and dedicating 6 Circles to get it is not exactly unreasonable. Personally I think Frost Cloud by itself is fine, but its really the Quick Cast attribute that pushes it into OP territory. I would not be surprised if that some point that 50% turns into 30%. Wiz 3 would look a lot less lucrative then however…

Do you have any link to the patch note you’re talking about ?

Right now Frost Cloud is not 15 aoe attack ratio, it’s either unlimited or 30+.