Tree of Savior Forum

Info from the Klaipeda GM meetup

These were topics the GM replied to or approved but does not mean these will necessarily be added.

*The GM asks if users want more quests. Their conclusion is yes.
*More banning of bots at Tenet will be improved
*People suggested a Klai-Orsha merge. The GM asks if they want one - many people said yes. But this does not mean theyre doing it.
*Nerfing ausrine suggested; approved
*Fixing physical link is suggested; approved
*Should fencer be nerfed?
*Fixing transpose from resetting HP suggested; approved

  • Buffing bokor and Thauma 3; approved approved
    *They are aware of TBL/GVG bugs
    *More ways to get practonium suggested; approved
    *Restart TBL feature when you DC; approved
  • STR/INT/SPR improvement being worked on
    *There are different departments for TOS Mobile and PC. The PC version won’t be neglected.
  • War of emprium, guild dungeons, special items suggestion is approved
  • Rabbit companion suggestion is approved
The boss at the GM event

the other boss:

Orsha meetup



EDIT: People were suggesting a merge and he asked if they really wanted it. People said yes but that does not mean theyll add it.

Sorry, correction from rewatching that part.

Hope there is no merge, I got teams on both servers D:

what will happen to the teams if they merge, playing on klaipeda became a nightmare and is the reason I moved to the more calm and less populated orsha :pensive:

They done this before on ktos, they will merge the teams and if you don’t have enough slot you either buy more slots or delete some char before you can go past the char select screen. And upgrade your potato computer because a NA merge is sorely needed for it’s long term health, this is supposed to be a mmo not solo online.

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More like disinfo from the klaipeda meetup.
Just because a GM responded with “we’ve accepted your suggestion” or "we’ll pass it on to our dev term"
Does not mean by a long shot that anything will happen.
Most of the things that are true are things we already knew, like more quests and more ways of getting practonium.
We already know those exist in kToS and will make their way here eventually.
But you shouldn’t be claiming things are getting nerfed or buffed when all they said is “thanks for the feedback and suggestion”


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am not fazed by the evil consequences of a merge

@STAFF_John is such mean info accurate :confounded:

Never did I claim these were happening. All I did was list the things the GM replied to. There was practically no info from the event.

Rabbit companion huh? Finally no egg-hatching mount hehe

Any quote on this one?

They also mentioned an “expansion” to PvP.

Why I can not enter the game server? What is the maintenance? when finished

Rewatching the footage. Sorry, maybe the wrong context. Some people suggested a merge and he asked if they really wanted it. They said it does not mean theyll merge it

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Sorry if I misunderstood your intention then.
I think your edit makes it clearer so probably no one will get confused now.

im cant not enter server -_- why ? please help mee :confounded:

[quote=“WatchGintama, post:1, topic:338443”]

  • War of Emperium suggestion is approved [/quote]

Said it all, Klaipeda server will burn. Siege weapons


they better fix the fps before putting in War of Emperium

All fall into…

Don’t get mad at me, but at this point in time, i can’t believe in IMC anymore, not until they actually show results instead of empty promises.

It’s been too long since many issues are still in game, specially some that came from CBT stages.


event is a failure on telsiai.

GM doesnt give a â– â– â– â–  LUL

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