Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

I wonder if they even care…

I do not really care about the bugs. The thing I care about the non-existent communication of IMC. Such a chaotic game.

Nah thing is… they are having a hard time understanding English for a game creator/publisher whom wants to reach out to their international audience

…maybe 1 or 2 of the staff understand but not all of erm as you can see from the way they are replying… but its hilarious though… especially the copy paste replies u get from some of em XD

I bet at this moment of time they are too frustrated reading post concerning major issues within the game and choose to ignore it as those thread are usually filled up with more hate post rather then constructive posts for them to translate

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the question is… for how long this !@#$%^& hype will last? meanwhile I just saw a cleric bot with glowing hammer and bashing galoks with !@$%^& long range AOEs… :scream:

I am somehow not hyped due to the fact I dont know what SM Rank8 class will be a benefit on my build.

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this is nothing… I want to see weapon +100000000000000000, maybe only then IMC will lay an eye on it! :unamused:

The best incentive to quit --> CHEATERS AND EXPLOITERS RUNNING MORE RAMPANT THAN BOTS! They can play the game by themselves and see who can out-cheat the other more.

There really should be a nice wipe of all the server a$$es after all bugs are fixed, then maybe real players will come back…MAYBE…maybe when IMC actually communicates instead of their “We’ll investigate…etc…copy and paste replies” Don’t they get it that the iTos community is trying hard to keep the game ‘alive’? Give us the proper response and open discussions.

Should really just do a suspicious upgrade and suspicious silver wipe… how hard can it be for them to search through their database for the player info? If notepad has a find option, surely a decent database would have that function as well.


Yeah i read the story behind ffxiv and the thing is the team behind it is overhauled. They changed the devs, got new producer/director (naoki yoshida), etc. And guess what he said?

Although the “graphic quality” isn’t exactly like what he meant, ToS is too reliant to its art and appearances, while the insides (game design) has flaws. They focus on the wrong thing.

Sadly iirc it took almost 3 years to rebuild that game. If imc decided to close ToS, we won’t be seeing it any soon :frowning:

EDIT: found the link, you can read the whole story here


Broken exploit revealed. IMC: What to do now? Ban everyone who used it?, Nah, let’s make a lot of useless events and the players will forget about it.


Even if it is just a modified internet package I really don’t trust this game anymore, because is nearly impossible to a normal player reach a item like that, they have to limit the upgrade system to +20 or something like that.

thx, good read there.

Fidimian ch1 with one white circle only?? really looks legit…

Just gonna add some fuel to the fire… ~~~

My wife did a +10 grand cross 3 days ago full potential.
Trying to report all +10 weapons sounds stupidity and surely will make imc loses time to catch those exploiters.

Weapons +15 and up full potential are really suspect but a +10 every dumb can do easy without lose potential.

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B… please…

I would not mind… I’d rather wait years for a polished game and a good healthy population then not wanting to play this game ever again.