Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc


Okay, so you faked a bug report saying that one can link items they do not have in chat?

You’re getting desperate aren’t you.

Edit: and you removed that screenshot. Avidity version 2 incoming.

well in fact. the players who tried to defend what you did, you can say whatever here :smiley:

this is what i see:

if the players are not banned, most of the ToS players probably 1 by 1 leaving to overwatch i guess… hahaha… amuse me please.

if these players are banned, probably they are celebrating in the fedimian ch1 i guess :smiley:

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No, I definitely used the enchantment bug to make +35 watering can.

enjoy your coffee :joy:


That was a really unwise thing to do, assuming it was a faked link. Now that they’re in actual scout mode for exploiters, you risk being banned for that and having your ticket auto-replied to for a month.

We all agree and love to see all of cute guild get their perma ip ban…we dont need this cunt on TOS


It’s a common sense that Watering Can CAN’T be upgraded (there was a time it can though). If the staff truly believe so, let me be banned and quit this game.

saw some posts in fanpages.

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I was referring to the Earth Tower 20F cube.

And pretty sure you don’t want to get banned right around the corner from us getting actual content, so it may or may not be worth it to PM John or Ines and explain the situation since they may not know about the faked item link and Hammer you.


You dug your own grave by trying to make a point, smells familiar to Avidity’s case.


I’m sorry but all your precious sophistry is over. You will get banned and I will see that it happens.


This topic is Done lets move on…

well there was a discussion between me and blurfishx a while ago defending his so called friends because i filed a ticket against them


done any actions taken? i think not yet done its on fire at this moment

if the IMC staff can’t even check my inventory for my innocence, I’m done with the game too.

hey bro my basher… i think were on the same boat right now on this topic