Tree of Savior Forum

Indecision! Wich build? I've searched, but

Hey guys!
I really dont know what build to choose!
I like both pve and pvp, i love damage classes, mainly the the ones who kills world bosses!
I’m have two build to choose searching the forum:

  1. wizz3>kino>cryo2>RC: Powerfull burst damage but dont know how is gonna be my path/leveling until there.
  2. wizz3>ele3>WL: Powerfull AoE damage, most wanted in grind parties but dont know how is it with world bosses.

Can you light my mind ?
Do you have any other options?

My focus are in level or importance: PvE/WorldBoss > PvP

Ty Guys!

“Look, all of our reasons mean nothing. Just look inside your heart and you will find the answer.”

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  1. It’s safe to say that wiz3 is a safe path to go if you look for the dps, it’s not the case of this build -in most cases- imo. I need to ask first what’s your intention with this one, if your a solo player or if you prefer to play with parties, because it’s not that easy to find a party if you can’t do a good amount of cc and can’t do a good amount of DOT too. For bosses it’s good, but only for bosses, you can actually do a great damage and sit down to wait for your cd reset (that’s a huge time).

  2. Safe path for both pvp and pve, not that great for pvp like kino, but still good. Your box on bosses is almost guaranteed. For what you want, i would say it’s the most safe path, i have other options but if you’re new to the game, it’s the easiest for sure.

I like to play alone, but, at level 210+ we all have to play with parties in grinding maps like Alemeth and Evac and i have no problem with it. Thats why i dont know if ill be able to join a party choosing the first path.

I realy want the damage power to get the boxes.
I like pvp too, but the boxes comes first :smiley:

You can tell me the other options!
I have a 231 Dragoon and 225 Druid2.

Not at all, i’ve made my way to 280 solo with your second option, just equip those white plate and you’re golden. Sure, it will take twice the amount of time, but i prefer lvling solo.

Well, imo a really underrated mage combination is Wiz3-Kino3-Lock, it actually does a lot of dps and you can solo safely too, just like ele-lock. It’s better for pvp than ele-lock too, you will deal a good amount of damage on bosses, maybe even more than 90% of other classes. Fits good with what you want. But if you want damage only on bosses, your first option is the best, just warning that will be a pain in the ass on lvling.

Im interested in this option wizz3>kino3>wl;
Can you explain me how it works ?

Pretty much the same as ele3, kt’s focusing your build on dps taking w3 for damage, but you change a bit of dps for more cc, you will not deal damage as a ele3 in most cases. You can clean most areas easily, it’s better for solo imo, and way better for pvp. But keep in mind that gravity pole is being nerfed on kToS, it will be still good anyway.
As i said, the safe path is ele3, but if you want something different, kino3 still good for what you want, just not that good on dps. If you’re so indecise now, I would say to wait for the rank8 classes, everything can change and what’s good now can be bad, and what’s bad can be good when the new classes come (comparing one class to another, ofc). Wiz combinations can change a lot.

I see.
But, do you think this build can have any chance to get boxes ?

Yes, ofc. GP and PP with a kino3 can do a high amount of DOT, and you still have the warlock skill set. But, as i said, you will never deal damage as much as ele3.
Take a look at the damage, it’s a pvp demonstration but good to see how kino works, if you’re a experienced player you can take a base at that video.

Really nice… I think ill make one of it.
My only doubt is on wbosses.
Ty Maflores for open my mind :smiley:

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