Tree of Savior Forum

Increase Party Size

I’m sure every member of the forum and this game is waiting for friends to join them when the game opens globally on 28 April.

Unfortunately, the maximum party size is 5. Obviously, depending on the person that number could be enough or not.

As this game always was and is popular, i think that number could not be enough for the global opening event. For that reason, i wonder if there would be any possibility to increase the party size to… 10, for example?

I’m looking forward to read all your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Tank
  2. Support/Healer
  3. Magic/CC/AoE
  4. DPS
  5. Off-Tank/DPS

I’d like to think that’s the reason why 5 was the magic number. Those positions are the meta in most MMO’s.

I’d welcome an increase in max members though, but maybe just up to 7 or 8 (moar AoE/DPS for fast kills), more than that you’ll want to have 2 supports in a party to compensate for heal cooldowns.

More people also means less exp, silver, and lower chance of random loot for each member. A price to pay.


You are talking about organisation. I’m talking about a group of friends who want to play in the same party to go throught the game content at the same time.

In that situation is not a must to have a support or a tank, for example. Maybe you play with a group of friends which includes 6 dps and 1 tank. So there’s no meta here.

Yeah, i would be pleased if they increase it to 7 or 8, maybe 10 is too much. But i think the game definitely needs it as probably a huge amount of players will join.

Well, it’s less exp, silver, etc. But you will definitely get the same amount of EXP Cards, which is the core in this game. Anyway, as you say, is a price to pay, so is up to anyone.

Thanks for your thoughts on this!


There was indication that there could be bigger parties for specific parts of the game (like raids) as the party limit was up to 10. I would find it for you but I am feeling lazy atm.


That would also be amazing but i’m focused on permanent gameplay right now. Because being in a 7-8 members party with your friends should be an option :(.



It should or must for ■■■■ sake. If aproximately 200k of people played the iCBT2 guess how many’s going to enter now.

5 members party is a ■■■■.

Ro could have like 30 or more in a party? I don’t remember well =D But it was huge…

They tossed away so many concepts that made RO the success that it was >_> this being one of them: BIG parties !

But whatever they can’t even make a 5 man party work without bugs so lets not expect the impossible D:

it intrigues me to say tho:

This game offers some of the exact same features AND their bugs as a certain other game ( cough Dekaron) please for gods sake, if you hire coders or buy / use / recycle old code at least fix the freaking bugs…

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RO had 12 party slots.

Then in several servers it was increase to 15.

I may understand playstyle is a little bit differente between games, but at least 8 member’s parties should be allowed (and of course 10 or more for raids or whatever).

need 6 SIX six SIX шестеро ppl in PARTY!

Expected more people to comment here but meh.

Hope this be added some day :<

yeeyi have a lot of friends and i want play wiith all :ghost:

+1 for this! Yep yep I would like this feature be implemented, a 7-8 or even a 10-person team would be great. It’ll be much easier for guild leaders to command or assign certain Parties for a certain roles like what we used to do in WoEs in RO.

iirc IMC planned to add content that involves 2-3 or more parties in the future
Let’s just hope that comes really soon as that would be fun

I support increasing the party count limit.
As it currently stands many players are discriminated against to achieve optimal build & class balance (4 classes giving +50% exp).
By having 6 or even 7 party slots, we can be much more accomodating to pple with somewhat less desirable builds.

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I think they don’t need to increase party members count limit.
I hope in future there will be raids and raid parties 20+ people.

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Thanks you all for sharing your thoughts!

Hope IMC adds this soon ^^.

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