Tree of Savior Forum

Important questions about server's future

  1. Are we still in beta? which stage? I have been reading the forums, and although I could not understand much, I think it still is in beta.
  2. If what the people said in a thread is true,
    what is the expected time before the server can become good again, if it ever happens?
  3. God forbid, will this game die?
  1. Not BETA anymore but the game is not FINISH

  2. We don’t know but there is an announcement that says IMPROVEMENTS ARE ON THE WAY.

  3. In 1-2 years probably

the game is almost dead

no pvp = dead

pve freaks = won’t last long till they get item that they wanted… then quit

yes they have many classes but… only 2-3 classes that actually excel pve/bosses, soon everyone will just be a elementalist/warlock and archer/fletcher to top dps.

also filthy bots are everywhere (literally) on every primary material monsters - signs of doomsday


There was a answer on this thread by Mr. Kim HakKyu explaining about some misunderstanding.
But most of it is true, IMC did listen to dcandrews7 and announced some changes. (most of what dcandrews7 said is true like 95% of it, the other 5% are just misunderstandings. idk about what the others said, didn’t read it)

The game is not dead as some say.
Bot issue is way better than most games.

It has a lot of “broken” things, the games was not announced as beta but it has aspects of a beta game. Even with all “broken” things it’s a promising game, if you don’t want to try a game with beta aspects you should wait a bit more before trying.

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@jhannxd @_Yuki I hope that’s true regarding the server still being alive, because I plan on playing it with friends/my brother. I also hope that they improve the game, one way or another, and not in 1-2 years, since, let’s say I’m not as young as I used to be, and I got priorities, which is a shame since I love mmorpgs… It’s hard to balance life and games since life does not have reset scrolls (so does this game, meh).

@ezadold I agree with you so much on the issue of class potential, and it saddens me to have to do research so much on class potential, skill scaling, and stats, that I spend less time enjoying the game. Let’s hope I can still love this game, because the nostalgia is strong with this one :smile:

It saddens me that some don’t appreciate this aspect of the game.
I just want to say that some like to research about classes, It’s rewarding to successfully think of a good class combo.

if you don’t like to do so, you could copy a build made by someone else.
For example in the case of wizards everyone copies wiz-ele-warlock because it has good burst and most are used to games where wizards are burst class.
But you can’t say it is the best class for wizards has it focus on burst dmg, you could say it’s the best burst dmg class.

There may be the best control wizard combo, and best support wizard combo too.
Maybe there isn’t as each combination will do different things, cc and support are harder to compare than burst damage.
Can’t compare different things like this.

Whoa believe me, I do appreciate the aspect of research. But not to the point where I worry too much, did I go wrong somewhere?

And I really want to enjoy the game, but since the scaling of some of the skills is so bad (and really emphasized by icbt players in this forums) as well as the stats tied to their damage, I can’t help but wonder, what if I go wrong somewhere down the line? Don’t get me wrong, like I said, real life takes over, which means less time for games, and as much as I love researching, sometimes I can’t help but wonder, how much is too much research? And for my swordman I have copied a build from a guide in tosbase, so I’m cool with that :slight_smile:


I think that you misunderstood me, I just wanted to say that I like this aspect of the game and enjoy it has much as playing the game itself.
(this aspect as it is at the moment)

For me personally there is no thing as too much research (because of what was stated before) so I can’t answer that :slight_smile:

I know right?
I can play only on weekends for a limited time because of this.

For example one of the things I like is when people say that certain combination isn’t effective, even if it looks nice on theory.
Then I give it a try and find out that it is a good combination.

Yeah myb you are right, maybe some builds does look good in practice since this game has so many hidden mechanics and synergies between skills.