hi team, this is personal opinion, not objective one but it could be one with many supports
srry to say but IMO regular monsters AI are sucks
i played the game for like 2-3 years, with tons of hiatus moment. i enjoyed hunting monsters, especially early mobs. to me thats the main aspect of mmorpg.
i love the lore, the graphics, its soo my style. love magi works. i dont really care with lv, high end gears or everybody else progress, i just enjoy my pace as its pretty much soloable hunt game with little less party needed early game. but then the more i reach endgame (even early in midway) i felt like the hunt aspect of end game is kinda bland and soo boring mainly because the recent mobs AI are, sorry to say, sucks.
or was the hunting in mid-end designed to be, again sorry, dead?
early mobs AI not that awesome too in early game but at least theres some mentionable uniques one which uses player skill even though it barely hurt or effective.
thats just the short main reason.
the longer 5 reasons, its kinda long so read it if you got time or if you care to read :p
recent mobs are lack of identity. aside of what they wear, the element, and hp they pretty much all the same. its like they are some boring robots with basic basic AI doing the same basic attack and just dress differently. at least some minor differences can be applied to them instead of just debuffing, like performing skills, like how old mob does or how RO mob was.
only some bosses have identity especially recent boss or instance boss. regular mobs are neglected with just basic attack. only in certain instances regular mobs applying debuff. also majority of boss AI, especially old ones, are consist of non effective attack, skill, or moves thus question the value of the AI. ive ever read somewhere in receny patch that you buff early boss to be easier and thats like boss of lv <50 like what was it i forgot, was it the mushroom, the armadillo or even the kepa? wow. who ask this honestly? kplayers? does killing a boss that die over 2-3 hits with no outstanding AI really that hard? wow.
instance style kill hunting some others mmorpg could have dozens of instance but also not killing their hunting parts. the no mat drop, no personal craft, all union tiered gears (everyone wear legend/godess armor acc, the rest of tiers from common to rare? whats their purpose again??history), union weapon unique effect (vaivora and just vaivora, old weapon effect??dead neglected), no silver further kills hunting aspect of the game. now field hunt probably just to complete event or res sacrae quest. i remember in another mmo endgame i wouldve need to kill 10000+ of 2-3 mobs to get to another level, to get an item, or even material but here its about how much times you doing instance and the mobs come right at ya punching, ocassionaly debuffing, and die in less than 5 sec. some others mmorpg could have dozens of instance but still not killing their hunting parts.
mobs sprite/design to my personal taste is getting more monotone. this is maybe happens due to the main artist change or perhaps design direction changes, but recent mobs are all look into sort of theme but then the design execution end up giving them boring look. this probably happen somewhere around misrus maps or after irridian shelter mobs design i presume. for example all mobs in latest maps a are all red, in map b all purple just like that, and this color theme is too vibrant. of course this thematic color design is normal, even in old map, but recently the execution to me personally went overboard. personally i would prefer old mobs design which are more diverse even in one single map. for example remember that map where there are giant fruits? like durian or mangosteen? there are like many type of chipmunks, which diversed by their job, theres also moving seed and theres also an unmovable plant. i can sorta remember it, the visual, even i cant remember their name, but its more memorable! its like where i met zaura (maybe:p) but this new mobs design? sorry. the design become so generic that the mobs looks like from some browser mmo game with 50 servers,vip lv10 and a potion that make you become in-game-god.
talk about map, recent map is so empty!! for example new orshan maps. i knew that quests sorta managed in that star fame system, res sacrae quests, so on. or the map populated by too many mobs so not many human can live there, but a map with little to no npc? no quest? no story? you know what they would call it in another game? hunting ground which basically means nothing happening just get in there and kill the mobs, but was it ever mentioned its hunting ground? no. its just map, with mobs, with no clue on what happened. just hunt them with a little to no idea at all on what actually happened, the story behind it, how the map turn like that, how its intertwined with the main story line, what happened to the people, who needed my saviory help? nobody
. compare it to old early game, pretty much all early maps have story, even continuous one, and its longer as well, with more npcs and their story, with side quests! now its all gone into this cool systems which actually rip of another essence of storytelling, journey and hunting.
thats about it,
i saw that new CM will make you seek the mobs, i also saw that new hunting ground with tanky mobs, i saw quest that makes you need to travel across maps. but that still wont solve the issue of boring mobs AI.
the star fame system, res sac quest etc are well manage repetitive questing system with fixed reward but beyond of how well its managed assigning quests, or how its certainly will give you reward according to your hardwork, the system personally gives me sense of burden instead of hunting freedom.
Even though that freedom perhaps may causes me to kill more than the quest need me or not giving me the item i want, i just love the sense of freedom, even if its cause me boredom in the end, but its excites me, instead of āahā¦ i need to grind 5 more weeks by doing ALL dailies to get x item from this star shopā. this feels like a deadline in real life which i really hate.
again this is personal opinion as i maybe the type to prefer not know what aheads of me in game. as if i know too much its just like me following a pattern which just gonna be boring! do this do that follow this follow that eugh! you who enjoy playing games by 100% following walkthrough would definitely against me.
Overall, i can understand this game directive, given its openly sell cheap way to almost max level by real money, with high end gears and everything, skipping all the old early grind, but hey if you are actually into mmorpg, and i mean actual mmorpg, even though you gonna spend mostly solo early game, thats where this game mmorpg fun actually lies. the early game sorta treasure. at least until midway.