Tree of Savior Forum

IMC Why did you withdrew the 12am Arena?

For me the best part of a online game is the pvp, so why do you give us only 3 hours of pvp per day? The arena should be up all the time, or at least one hour at a time, so if i work in the morning and come back home in the lunch time, I just have to wait until 21am to play pvp and I cannot join the 23am pvp because I have to wake up early… this just makes no sense, not to mention that I lose like 20min just in the loading times of all the matches together, this is when the game don’t crash and I lose more 20 min to login and find a match again…

  • from me. This game should have more pvp, even unrewarded.
    Why not to make different pvp leagues so people can start pvp earlier just for fun & lulz.
    Also I suggest to make separated leagues like from 25 to 40 lvl, from 40 to 75, from 75 to 120 and etc by gear lvls. And make it unrewarded, or very small rewards like potions just for people to make fun on arena and practice. Also make it aviable like missions any time (no limit please)

It is to save server resources, 24 hour pvp will cost IMC more $$$. New zones are coming with 330 update, IMC cannot afford more server capacity to PVP since they have to pay more to host the new maps already.



now that you mentioned…

no wonder they ninja cut that tenet 1f channel and others…

sly imc… sly…

In this case they can cut 90% of the locations, and make game single player with only highscore tracking and chat, but I think it is not excuse. They have to make game better, not to cut features. Economy versus getting new players. First leads to slow death.

At 450 update all maps will be reduced to 1 channel, so IMC can maintain the same server cost



you can help by pumping more money to IMC

have you bought the new dress yet?

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I pumped some money, but… dress prices are crazy for avarage Ukrainian. We have regular monthly salary as 100$

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then we need to import more NA/EU whites to keep the server afloat

but i thought the real reason why they reschedule it , is so people can have 2tbl in evening, 1 for midnight people?

if 12am is missing, you can go for 4am tbl

IMC never wanted to have 24hours pvp and they never tell us why

But they tell us that our voice matters…
Damn. I am tired to look for people who want to duel with me. But dueling is fun. I like pvp even if it is not rewarded.

well, if its the voice of 1000 or 2000 people, yes, it matters.

but at this point, you are alone. Or, atleast, IMC prioritize selling dress first


I dont think I am alone, but you are right

even if you did manage to gather 1000 other voices,

the remaining 4k player will still ask you to shut up, giving excuses like TOS is not pvp-centric game.

toxic whiteknight costume-lover is killing the game.

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