Tree of Savior Forum

IMC Staff forum activity

At least we agree on that, bad PR can destroy a game. On that, I’d like to repeat a CM doesn’t always do a good job, they can make things worse.
Furthermore, no PR is not necessarly bad PR, does anybody here hate IMC? Personnaly, I respect them more than a lot of companies that spend their time on the forums. The PR isn’t only based on communication on the forum.
Also, english is not their native language.

Well I thinlk you get my idea, I’ll do the same than Mephilin and let this thread alone. I’ll wait for a CM patiently meanwhile.

I don’t necessarily want a CM, but I would like a weekly dev update! :slight_smile:
Something like…

"This week saw such and such progress.
Here’s a photo of Bob testing something.

Somebody’s pet rabbit."

…That sort of update :grin:

What I have in mind is same as yours, Aries.
A CM from Devs is great to connect the relations between players and devs. But since we’re at the stage of the game yet to be released, it fits more to see actual progress/devblog constantly. :smile: And also their artworks of flower lion.

Best GM art eva.


Soooo? :blush:
hits in the arm

There’s so many things said in this thread that I disagree with, but it would be hard to quote it all lol

I’ll just summarize my opinion in a few points:

@IMC Staff x Customer relation
Yes, I do think it is necessary. If your argument is “they’re not obliged to or don’t have the time to” you’re very mistaken. After all this is a business and we are customers as much as players. Even if you never spend a penny in the cash shop, you still keep the game alive by playing it and spreading information which is what the company needs.

@Someone who said people wanna feel “special”//attention seeking by interacting with CM’s
That’s so ridiculous I feel annoyed having to type it out. I hope to God you never once voted in your life, because that’s exactly (fundamentally…) what it means to communicate with your dev’s; find the direction you want the game to go, whats wrong with the game (bugs, errors in translations, etc). This has nothing to do with feeling special, this is simply the community working together with the developers to ensure the best gaming experience for all.

@Something about speaking English in this version
If we’re talking about a member of the staff, then I’d absolutely think its required. Its outrageous to have someone in charge of a region who cannot properly communicate with whatever language that region uses.

“When in Rome, don’t speak Chinese because no one will understand you duh.” - Illya 2015© (don’t steal pls copyrighted)

Lastly, if you truly believe the staff should not or isn’t required to communicate with the community; then why bother making the forums at all? The blog was perfectly fine.

Also a community manager isn’t necessarily the developer… many companies “hire” someone from the community themselves to simply keep the order on the forums, news flowing, etc; honestly people do that ■■■■ for free. So whatever argument you have that “oh they could be doing better use of their time” is simply ineffective.

(sorry for anything, i mean no harm. but i have very clear views on what should be right/wrong versus what is “nice”. and the people arguing on the side of the staff with arguments based on “effectiveness due to time” are looking at things from a business-perspective. sadly, from a business-perspective they fail to realize that as a company they are required to communicate. failure to do so is simply poor handling of the company or lack of caring. both of which, as a developer and manager, you’d be wrong in doing so.)