Tree of Savior Forum

IMC: Serious Question - When if ever are we getting kTOS patches?

I know this is complained about a lot on the forums, but I think for good reason and I think it’s a topic that obviously needs addressing.

How soon, if ever, can iTOS actually expect the content and changes that kTOS has? From the whole transcendence orb thing in Saalus Convent, to all class rideable mounts (penguin please) and now word of a new system utilizing boss cards.

Meanwhile, the iTOS patchnotes read like a money grab “we implemented more restrictions and reporting features to combat bots and silver sellers who are not going to be affected by these anyways and will only hurt legitamite players further” and “oh hey, you guys want kTOS content? Here, have some costumes, $20 please, thanks!”

I, like many other players here, have ponied up enough cash between founder’s pack and buying TP to pay for over half a year of what AAA MMOs charge as a subscription fee and it’s disheartening to see kTOS constantly get new content and exciting gameplay mechanics and features and we get pathetic attempts at squeezing out more money from the players and further inconveniences to combat RMT which is a losing battle.

With my rant aside, I would love to get a clear answer from IMC, are we actually going to start getting kTOS content in a normal time frame (i.e. a month or so after they do) or will iTOS lag behind by a year or something in patches from kTOS, because I’m sure many players, both paying and not, won’t have the patience for that, myself included.



20 characters/


oh god, don’t give me nightmares. I’ve had enough of Soon™ from my time playing League of Legends…

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Hope they read this :<

Very Soon™…coming this dec 2016

Not even 2017?! What did we do to deserve such fortune?

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I had 4 char at lv280. Main + money maker. Every day im login to check them and just logout :\ Dunno wtf im doin in this game …

I think that since the Korean OBT was in December of 2015 and the international OBT was set for March i think it would be a fair assumption that ITOS is at a MINIMUM 4 Months Behind the Korean Version. Give or take a month or so. Most of the patches for ITOS has been for Stability and Mitigating Botters, and Scammers.

dont worry, its not IMC final form yet …
another restriction will coming first … then we got the patch …

" and allegedly Mitigating Botters, and Scammers."

Fixed that for you. Most of the patches have been a waste of time. Kind of disappointing. But i keep hoping they’ll eventually smarten up.

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and allegedly Mitigating Botters, Scammers and RMTers =p
Edit: and allow nude addons


Cant correct what isn’t wrong. I ment what i said.

IMC has added banning bots weekly, Added a report bot feature, and have significantly lowered the amount of bots in the game. they arn’t gone for good but every week is getting better.

Mitigating is the perfect word IMHO

I don’t feel like getting into a semantic argument with you again.

I get it, your pissed at IMC. I’m not. Leave me alone and post your own opinions

Wow your sensitive over poking fun at IMC.



Seems like North Korea is the one handling the updates. So forcing the issue might cause World War III.

Jokes aside, I think it’s safe to say that it will take at least 4 months before we could have kToS updates if we base it on the gap of the release dates of both servers.


We’ll get the first patch to ever hit Korea in about 9 months.


This makes me curious if anyone has actually done these calculations but I feel like it’s less than 4 months for somethings and they just pick and choose? For example, didn’t kTOS have all class mounts for a while now and only recently got the chicken and school uniform costumes? And yet, we get the costumes first and not a peep on mounts. I’m sure the same can be said about other updates as well. It’s frustrating to get cosmetic, paid for, content instead of seeing some actual progress on core gameplay mechanics that kTOS is receiving.

There’s alot of conflicting info about the Korean updates. Its best to pm someone who actually plays on there or post in this thread: kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I think the Pengiun is the only mount that all classes can use. which was a recent update. the other companions are only mountable by the select classes.

Followed by a missile from North Korea i presume?
…need to check with our north korea representive here

Note that costumes and mounts are only miscellaneous so they could be released anytime. What we are expecting are the major contents so it may take some time.

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