Tree of Savior Forum

IMC please RESPOND about drop FPS

This is terrible to play right now, with lag and low fps. IMC, can you please respond this and give any solution or something? I mean, you might say “we are working on this” but you keep the silence.

I hope this will be fixed. Not worth the price for the EA.


I am also waiting for their response regarding the FPS drops. But as for now… just keep waiting. :’(


I’m worried because if they haven’t fixed this since BETA it looks like its not and easy issue to be dealed with.
Hoping to get an answer soon. Totally disappointed with the game :confused:


bump, this problem must not be forgotten

yep. bump. never forget

I actually fix this, but… still drop fps in crowded zones.

Now i have 60-150 fps in maps without much people but in towns still 30-60 or 20 with high crowd.

worst publisher and developer ever

I’m about to quit. No can do.