Tree of Savior Forum

IMC please look into this it's not a joke ( trading matters )


Which part of IE or EXAMPLE nvm forget it.

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the only way i can see this being abused is to get the party get plenty of material and scroll, and you craft it out and re-sell.

(hope GM will fix the crafted item into un-tradable too though )

Well this clarificates nothing because quest rewards are always like that …
The question is what happens with the bought recipes which gets untradeable…
I know they can still produce tradeable items.
well i dont like any of these market systems but i m always good at get some profit out of a market system ;/ it just makes the trading pretty useless and boring.
And i m sure of it all my recipes if Maga rod or Ignition were bought from market and the made items are tradeable !.
And i really don’t get why people support this limitations of the market .
… I mean sure the botter and goldseller profit the most otherwise but … this game is really limited in items and drops and even more limited in their value , and the market restrictions limit it even further …


don’t post if you can’t accept someone proving your example as false.
you spent a bunch of time posting paranoid thoughts about a trade system that hadn’t even been implemented yet… why would you expect anyone to take your examples as any kind of fact? especially when you’re ignoring significant facts about the situation itself.

like has been posted above already…
there are ways to check if a person is a token user. even if you don’t remember to check, there’s almost certainly going to be a warning.

“imc is stupid” is an opinion, not a fact. the facts actually do not support this opinion, despite your lack of agreement with, or understanding of their reasons.


also for the pedantic, IE is short for “Id Est” a latin phrase that means “that is”, used roughly as “let me explain”… and thus is incorrectly used here.
EG, for “Exempli Gratia”, meaning “For Example”, would have been the correct term.

oh look the troll is back . after SOOO LONG

@tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael

dude, was that supposed to do something?

and you go about with a crappy attempt to troll, in the same post you call me a troll?

in this battle of wits most of my opponents are unarmed.
seriously, improve your game. you’re just embarrassing yourself now.

@tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael @tzxazrael nope i’m just summoning the troll. and guess what it works

When I traded I got confirmation box that said both are token users.

oh ya i totally forget to update , here we go

when i check with someone in game he told me that there wasn’t a promt

after which i decided to ask someone to trade me . and i did saw the promt also there a is a line that says Non token user / token user.

seem like they added that in anyway

wow, gosh… who could ever have expected that…

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