Tree of Savior Forum

Imc ( or steam) stealing us quietly

If they raised the price on the LevelUp BR server to match US prices that would be a different story. But this is an international server, so the price should be equal internationally.


Lol mate, you know what? Go f-uck yourself hard. You dont know ā– ā– ā– ā– ! F-ucking beardneck

i bought pack 2 so i could start with Token, and i was planing to buy the 1 and 3 packs once it get 30% off. ppl buy A LOT of stuff in online games, some ppl spend thousands of dollars in online games.

all steam games have this price, u have no idea whats hapening here so donā€™t come with ā€œyour country is poorā€. 80%+ of the ppl complaining probably can afford TP even with the ā€œnewā€ scam price (iā€™m one of those) but i just wonā€™t buy it, they just scamed everybody, said that steam would handle the prices, let ppl spend money and time and now want to double the price.

iā€™m prepared tho, i have 10 token stocked that i got in the market, and in that time ill have enough silver to buy 20 more tokens. now they got a lot of ppl that wonā€™t pay anything.

the only reason ppl donā€™t pay is because the price isnā€™t regionalized. if the game use steam price, ppl pay for it

to u have an idea, TOS now costs more than PS4/XONE games (not digital copy)

This doesnā€™t make any sense. In 2 weeks bots can log back again, how HARD is it to give players 24 hours notice prior to chang-ā€¦increasing the price for countries with lower income rates (3rd world countries). But you guys have the guts to annoucne about the 30% off which will apply after this price increase, sounds like a move from a crook company to me. Itā€™s not gonna help everyone, to me it seems you guys are applying a band aid to multiple stab wound.

To all saying that the global pricing now is just fair, well bigots think about this, do people have choice as to which country they wanna be born?

I donā€™t know what is so hard to apply a game security like game guard to prevent bots. Other games with more complicated system have done it, why canā€™t you? By far, all the solutions applied are giving the players and making this game less enjoyable and more profit to you guys.

I can pay for what the amount of each Founderā€™s pack now but my friends canā€™t. This is not jus ta rant but because Iā€™m concern as I already invested time and money here.

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Read the post again. Honestly, people should start reading and start thinking over the things they read.

The problem is that now you can get EASY money because of the cheap prices. Not just because they can access into the game for a cheap price, but because they got many things for that prices, making silver/gold sellers a huge amount of money.

This is more complex than you think.

Name for me this mystical game with no bots that you speak of. For in my 20 years of traveling from MMO to MMO I have never come across this thing of which you speak.


Yeahā€¦ i was waiting for the sale to get the founders pack but thereā€™s no way iā€™m going to buy it now, or ever for that matter because with the new prices in my region i would never buy TP.

Iā€™m not going to be one of those guys that say ā€œI quitā€ but i have to admit that thatā€™s something that iā€™ve been thinking about now that i wont be able to buy tokens, character slots and skill/stat resets.


So you are assuming that everyone bought more than 2 packs? So you are assuming I canā€™t buy the cheapest pack now, save some money and buy another one later? So you are assuming that, a dude or a gal that have some money saved from their ā– ā– ā– ā–  jobs canā€™t buy all three packs now and donā€™t buy anything else for the next 3 months?

Next 3 months? Just to be clear. These packs will be whitdrawn by the end of the EA.

Also, you are in the game now, right? You bought the pack already, so no harm here.

Only 9 days left from EA, the packs would be gone by thenā€¦ Basicly no point buying them now for going the headstart, but only for tokens and etc. So yeah, because these packs would be gone by 9 days from now, I think itā€™s ok.

Iā€™m just going to assume you got my point.

not everyone is European idk y Europeans think that -.-.

Sure, the fact you have to question me that is the fact you soudns like a casual gamer to me. You donā€™t get my point, all these inconvenience and itā€™s about to turn this game into a North Korea Online for the sake of blaming bots. like realy? thereā€™s no other solution? Oh come on, we werenā€™t born yesterday.

Forgive me, Iā€™m not trying to be disrespectful. But considering I paid double what some paid just because theyā€™re a ā€œpoorerā€ country, doesnā€™t seem quite fair at all when the Servers are actually located in the country I am from. I assume Levelup games will be the right pricing which will give more incentive for BRā€™s to play there.

Forgive me if I may be wrong, but isnā€™t the term Neckbeard? Not sure why the anger, I simply stated what Iā€™ve learned over the years and that simply all pricing should be US standards as the servers are located within. Levelup games should have pricing that follows suite to BRā€™s needs and economy however. So if youā€™re BR thereā€™s something to look forward to.

Never said nor thought every player is european. It just didnā€™t happen to change on our Steam, hence why I expressed confusion, although rudely.

it changed on american steam but changed back

Here is where we agree. I canā€™t stand Trump nor anyone who is a supporter. Off topic obviously, butā€¦ Nothing but Trailer Trash Rednecks screaming out, MAKE MURICA WHITE AGAIN!

Edit: They should build a wall around him and his supporters, let them live with themselves. Itā€™d be a hootin hollerā€™in time. Says in the deepest Redneck voice possible MAKE MURICA WHITE AGAIN!


i know u didnt want to disrespect, sry too, iā€™m just pissed with everything now xD. the problem is that they wonā€™t allow transfers to LUG server, and ppl just donā€™t want to play LUG server cus they usually mess up with the games they touch. so if ppl need to start over in a bad server, a lot of ppl will just stay in Steam.

and IMC said in the beggining that Steam would handle the prices, so everybody went ā€œall inā€ steam server and now are gtting fcked

Iā€™m really hoping they do. They just said it would be complicated. I have my dislikes about the BR community, but I know not all are what I have had the displeasure of dealing with over the last 15 years. Vocal minorities ruin it for everyone.

Edit: On that note, I canā€™t stand many Americans at this point either. Trump has really shown me just how stupidly spiteful/hateful people really are.

Will TP prices post F2P be returned to regional levels? Or will SEA players be permanently screwed over?