Tree of Savior Forum

IMC needs to do something about this

It seems nothing is done unless it’s made public so here we go.

Ever wonder why you randomly crash at world bosses sometimes when you’ve never crashed before?
Ever wonder why channels kept crashing and a player mysteriously got their weapon from +15 to +20 when it only had 1 potential left?
Ever wonder how that QS3 just auto attacked you for 40k damage?

The sad part is that this is impossible to stop with this current client because there’s no anti-hack and most things are client side. This client is just not secured at all.


Someone posted this image, but then the thread dissapeared i guess IMC didnt wanted people look at this image.

Today i lost 2 runs of my daily merc because someone crashed my client on the last 2 bosses 2 times. really this its effing annoying.


- Fixed the bug where client opens really slow


I can understand why they would delete it to prevent mass exodus, but more people will leave and this game will become a dead one unless things like this gets fixed.

It’s just a shame that the development team didn’t think about the dangers of having the game run mostly on the client side rather than server side.

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alright alright alright

inb4 this thread gets closed

but srsly this is so bad that if i was still playing i would have instantly quit
i feel for the people who want to pvp fair and square


Could care less about getting owned in PVP cause of this. This affects everything, not just PVP; marketplace, world bosses, etc.


whiteknight will say

"who cares, as long as we can play TOS, its not such a big deal!
We can now use the addon and play police, random /memberinfo player ingame and report to GM.

if you dont like PVP, find some friend and go play PVE

if you dont like PVE, then uninstall the game

we dont care about your complain!
dont play a game you dont like and spoil our mood with your crying!

Quit your QQ and be constructive you toxic-whiner !"

– End of Role Play –


That’s actually really sad.
When a cheat program is fixing game bugs you know something is really wrong.


How much this add-on cost?

This thread was created so that IMC can do something to prevent it, not for you to go buy the stupid cheat. :rage:



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The hook64 dev mentioned this before:

tree, because the damage is not big enough

if current 5k population, 3k ppl using hook64
maybe imc will call for emergency maintenance shutdown for fix

we can do that!

IMC needs to put a limit

weapon +16 max
armor +10 max

PvP is broken with these items +20 +25

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“I don’t care, it doesn’t affect me. I enjoy the game and you should just quit.”

— some whiteknight probably


"its not a bug or exploit… its a feature. Ya’all got IMC’ed~ "

---- some trollknight, obviously


Disappointed. Bunch of us just don’t have any motivation to play the game knowing that this crap has been going on for a while. Hopefully IMC can miraculously stop this and make a statement on it. Hopefully they investigate everybody that has +15 or better gears/weapons to see how it was obtained. Even if the weapon got roll backed during a channel crash, it’ll still be logged so it’s just a matter of them investigating it.

they wont.

if they would, the exploit would have been fixed by now.


they wont.

roll back was fixed, so small step at a time…

the step so small, a small population for the game like 1k left would be befitting.


The real problem is even if IMC does fix it, enough players have benefitted off hook64 to the extent that players themselves can’t be balanced. There’s no way legit players can compete with cheaters. Legit players are dedicated in obtaining their stuff, but those cheaters reap in benefits without any real effort.

A cheater can have 10,20 bots running on multiple maps 24/7. I’m willing to bet my hue reputation that all those hook64 users also have bot armies behind them to farm all that silver for those fking fancy +20++ upgrades.
A legit player only has himself and his alts, on his/her waking hours.

IMC could’ve and should’ve addressed this issue earlier, but left it for too long and didn’t even take a stand to defend their product, while we ( the black, grey and hue knights) watched the game go from being a “Queen” in the beginning to its current state --“prostitute”. Doesn’t matter who the abuser is, as long as abuser gives monies for services…

For me, it was fun while it lasted…I met some cool folks back in founders and they’ve all left from my friend’s list. Even though I have a few new pals, it’s only tree of solo because we can’t party together due to level differences, quest differences, goal differences.

IMC lost a lot of players when the channel bug crash was posted publicly and nothing was done about it. The bug had been reported since closed beta, yet nothing was done. Legit players knew they could not compete against those hacked +20 gears. IMC did nothing to ‘fix it’ until there was enough complaints…and channel crashes still happen from time to time. I don’t know if rollback still applies, but having shtty players crash channels for fun or rage is total BS that other players shouldn’t have to tolerate.

I will save that img and repost it if this thread gets shut down.
Repost it everywhere a white knight defends IMC for doing a good job…

But hey, even if all good players leave, IMC will still have their very little niche group of whales to collect money from because some people are too invested in their cheating ways already.



Huehuehuehue ToS :skull_crossbones:

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