Tree of Savior Forum

IMC, maybe your restrictions encourage RMT

Just throwing this out there… There are a lot of bots so clearly the RMT companies are seeing this game as profitable. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be pumping so many bots into the game.

Maybe they have so many customers because your restrictions force people to resort to RMT? Maybe they find it too hard to start an alt without being able to move items easily or silver to their alt so they buy silver to make it easier?

I’m just saying there is a reason why this game is a big target and you should figure what that reason is OR create an anti-bot software.


I think you do have a point

Ikr… I wished IMC would let me buy 2 billion worth of silver for $20. I don’t want to grind for my stuff, I just want to buy it already geez. The nerve of this company.


Their restrictions encourage the silliest most asine ways of moving things about to your friends, your guildmates, and even yourself. Their supposed monitoring of transactions is just a plain lie. There is nil to zero chance they can tell the difference between a RMTer’s silver mule and a legit player just trying to move silver around. People already just deal with the situation as is, and an honest transaction to move silver from party A to party B looks all the same as a gold buyer and seller. Currently in their system when you acquire something it may not even really be yours to the full extent. items become untradeable like any materials (Talts included), recipes, and other misc. items if you acquired it through a trade or the auction house. People currently trade Talts for Cards and in this environment it opens up players to possible scams. The few useful cards out there are highly valued and the community already practices trade as much as possible in the current restrictions. It’s only made this part of the game inconvenient and an annoyance. Silly asine things I tell you, like the fact that I can lose cards in a /cardbattle but cannot just straight up trade a person the card. Senselessness that only the truly lazy wouldn’t immediately remedy.

I’m sorry to say, this is only behavior from developers and producers of these lazy asian MMOs. You’d never see this kind of gapping flaws in any system to companies that are even just honestly trying to be successful. If they notice nonsense, it’s patched fairly quickly. Other video games have the luxury of their forums mostly complaining about content and balances. We have to deal with that in ToS AND the mountain of cow-pie that is Tree of Restriction.

Yet we make due. Bots galore, but clearly their top priority is to stop bots right… am i rite :sweat_smile:

Hmm, you could be right. But it only costs 10$ atm, not much of investment.
That is compared to say wow, game + subscription.

When this goes f2p, all hell is going to break loose lol.

The only hell that will be brought is even more bots, because finally they won’t need to use stolen credit cards or faulty payment methods (Steam Exploit) to open more bot accounts.

I’d bet it’d be a sad shocking reality to find out how many of those unique users are actually bots. Maybe I’m sadistic and a masochist or just someone who can face reality. But ToS isn’t as big of a success anyone would hope it’d be. We’re facing the facts today, now, in Early Access that as soon as this game released in any public capacity it was already outdated. There doesn’t appear to be any anti-hack on their side and certainly not on our side, they don’t care to spend resources on manually trying to mitigate issues such as GMs trying to make their game look at all presentable (Hello spam at the Market Manager).

If anything for me, this has cemented that although these developers that are involved here and that originated from something like Ragnarok Online have nice concepts, they don’t care to spend much resources in properly coding a playable game. People will say things like “Well they’re brand new it takes time to fix things. You cannot compare to WoW, they had time to fix!”. And yet Ragnarok Online is older than most games, core problems in Closed Beta exist today for them too. Coincidence that they share staff in some capacity? I think not.

It’s always cause and effect.

Cause - there is a demand for RMT services. Mostly because silver is too “powerful”. You can buy OP enchanted head accessories with it, you can buy gear, tokens, attributes, collection items, buffs, you can even re-roll dungeon drops for silver. It’s ridiculous when you think about it.

Effect - When silver, a thing that can be acquired in infinite amounts by mindless grind is pretty much THE most powerful factor in the game, it’s no surprise that RMTers and their bots flock to the game. It’s like asking them to do it.

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That’s the punchline to your entire post. Gave me a good chuckle. At bay he says. If this is at bay, I’ve got the Brooklyn bridge to sell you.

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Oh you uneducated mongoloid. 1,394 bot accounts / 1,678 exploiter accounts is a drop in the bucket.

You may want to understand what the phrase “I’ve got a bridge to sell you” means. Reading comprehension 101 / Commonly used insults.

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Unfortunately, you’ll find bots in most (if not all) MMOs - simply because there is a demand for it. Even if IMC implement every changes you guys ask for, the bots will still be around.

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Odd because your post seemed to reflect that you didn’t really understand the entire “I’ve got a bridge to sell you” bit. You took it very literally.


Here, educate yourself on some of the finer points of the English language and American history.

Honestly I’d say it’s pretty huge. Since the last Ban Wave I have noticed considerably less Bots. By considerably, I mean; Wow, I can play again w/o trying to fight for everything. I’d say this, drop in the bucket was a pretty good Boulder. I’m all for giving slander where it’s needed, but I honestly feel IMC is trying. The trade restrictions and such, actually don’t bother me. Everything I’ve wanted to do, I can do already. I’d say the most annoying thing to me is waiting two days to get the silver from items I sold.

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I’m inclined to agree. The restrictions aren’t terrible. I got to say they still do add a barrier between friends/guildmates. It feels silly having to trade Original Talts etc to move money or donate to our guild master for opening funds. The system has its work arounds and although some see it as perhaps almost a hidden gem that we just have to take as is, I see it as a sleight. That it’s a clear sign the restrictions will never truly work until we’re completely bounded to ourselves. Of course I wouldn’t want more restrictions.

At the end, unless they can really prove that their methods are doing anything worth while, little over 3,000 ACCOUNTS in a soon f2p field can’t really amount to much. I can’t offer up any alternatives that wouldn’t also be tugging at the idea that maybe they shouldn’t have made RMT so tempting (Silver literally buys power in this game through attributes).


At this point maybe it’d be a suitable half - measure to just add a rather high restriction or price point to completely free trade. Something like level 250 + VIP token, now you’re allowed to trade silver etc. If they believe they can monitor illegal transactions in a 48 hour window, surely they can catch bad accounts by the time they reach 250.

Oh, that’s an insult? How clever, yes. You will somehow use a bridge to slap me in my face. My my, you must have been a hot shot at school.

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I do agree that the curret setup probally does highly influence peoples decision to get into rmting. Alot of items are so expesnvie and the fact you canot freely transfer them between your own damn chars is a major issue, yes I know about team storage, but team storage in its current state is worthless, whats the point of it when it drains potental and lowers your trade count? Team storage should be locked behind a token, tokens are not hard to get, however using team storage should have no negative side effects, The loss of potental and trade uses needs to go the way of the dino, because for a “perk” locked behind a paywall it sure penalizes you for actually using it at all. I’m an alt-a-holic I like to try diffrent things but with the current system I am severly restricted due to the downsides of using team storage.

Again team storage should not degrade the potental of an item nor cost trades to use, its bad enough its locked behind a token as it is. the bank in ragnarok online for example is server wide, at no charge, any char on your acct on that server can freely access it, its part of the joy of the game, find a nice item? well yeah you can use it on any char now. This aspect is especally important in a game like ToS that has low drop rates, and the current 4-5 times slower than normal spawn rate they put in the game. In all the databases you’ll see non-miniboss/elite mobs are supposed to repop 15s after it was killed last, and keep spawning until it hits that maps limit of that mob. Its not supposed to take 60s and then they all pop at once.

I sort of feel the reason they gimpoed the spawn rate from ktos/icbt2 is because of the bots, it slows them down a tad. Vubbe gauntlets a lv 15 item should not be costing almost a mil. Its only that high due to the low drop rate and the fact they have a 5 min respawn insted of 60s after it died last like its supposed to be.

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