Tree of Savior Forum

IMC killed reincarnate on mission bosses - anyone else notice this bug?

Ever since the last update, I consistently get “failed to reincarnate” when casting reincarnate on mission bosses. This never used to be the case, and you’d get that message when you actually failed to reincarnate, not when you cast it.

You’re just unlucky. Had a double Rafene run just today.

Rafene has always reincarnated. I’m not talking about dungeon runs. I’m talking about missions runs. :unamused:

Reincarnated the tree boss twice yesterday.

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yeah you are just unlucky, saw a double mole recently from missions.

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OK good to hear, I’ll do some more testing. Thanks!

Are you also receiving the “failed to reincarnate” error message before you kill the enemy though? If not, maybe my char is bugged :S

Yeah I am seeing that error when it fails.