Tree of Savior Forum

IMC in full damage control mode & Nexon is being sold

yeah, delete criticisms and actual constructive comments in THEIR forum. Sure let’s just delete the complaints that players actually share, let them use non-existent ticket reports to help them solve their problem, let’s delete their thoughts with the p2w fiasco that’s been going around. Sure let’s delete those, sounds like an overly restrictive system. Since when did the forums get so political as to delete other’s opinion?

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I quit a long time ago but I just wanted to drop by and say that Tencent is a trash company. A little less worse than Nexon perhaps but still bad.

Bob probably posts more on these forums than the entire Blizzard’s staff post on all their game’s forums combined lol (I just unsubbed from WoW because of this)

But yeah I would really like a front-page post about the goddess issue, as well as some sort of compensation.
I mean, that event would have saved billions of silver worth of materials for their entire playerbase’s economy, isn’t something that you can just “lol nope” out of it without getting people mad. I’m still bitter by it.

I don’t mind the “P2W boxes” though, didn’t buy them but don’t care.

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Oh no a shady company is buying a gaming company. Please point me to a not shady company

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