Tree of Savior Forum

IMC give Sappers Trap Crafting

Hey IMC and Mr. @hkkim I think it would be a great idea the Sapper class need to get like a crafting ability not as one of the current skill but as an attribute for c2? 3?.

For example crafting

Spring Trap - roots an enemy. players that step on it can attempt to remove it by pressing space bar, they can be interrupted if damaged or CC.

Land Mine - it goes boom when stepped upon and knock up enemies.

Master Bait - deploys a bait that aggro monsters, it is destroyed after 1 hit.

Broom Trap - but just like Paladin’s Barrier it requires an attribute to make it larger

Stockades - give attirbute to make it larger for sappers

These traps would takes a second or so to deploy. These traps will still be visible to players in PvP unless a Sapper with concealment skills hides them. They can also be sold at market?


I agree with an attribute to craft traps but not giving access to the use them for everyone. So, stupid suggestion.

AKA how to make Sappers OP.

give us fire trap with aoe ratio of 4 and withg a cooldown of 15sec and 5 charges… lol :smiley: (scale it pure int 3:) bwahahahaa