Tree of Savior Forum

Imc finally said something

Hello, @mario_astugo91 Savior!!

now we got a lot of reports like you from many saviors.
First of all, we are so sorry for your disconnection problems and characters stuck at lodge problem. Actually, there is some server problem in Silute server. In order to provide best service for all of our saviors, we are doing our best to fix this problems. thank you for reporting and waiting.

Your faithfully, STAFF_MAX

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Well, if it’s their best, I have little faith in this game’s future.


How about Varena? we cant log in. :rage:

THIS /\ is what we wanted! We wanted just a word from IMC, we can wait until they solve this problem, but we can’t just be alone here, they NEED to answer us, just ONE word is sufficient. Thanks alot for the sharing OP.