Tree of Savior Forum

IMC cries improvement, server crashes right after mait looool

off to a good start …

RIP dungeon charge wasted

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And it’s not as if there is no compensation for these kind of things… like far better than what you lost.

Here is hoping :3. But on the flip side, compensation is great, but the loss of time is the issue here. I can’t just log back in and play. RL you know…

Expecting servers not to crash right after a maintenance is normal. Alas the milk has been spilt. So W/E. Sucks but so does LEG DAY to people with chicken legs.


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Greetings Savior,

Thank you for contacting us.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We would like to inform you that the development team are fully aware of it and currently working on the server’s stability. We kindly request for your patience and understanding.

If you have any other concern, please do contact us.

Tree of Savior

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