Tree of Savior Forum

I'm quite surprised that some people still cannot understand it

In case you didn’t notice I’m not the one pushing my opinion as the way to “teach” others what to do and explain the right way to go. How many topics did you create lately? what is the purpose of all of them? Please answer those questions and I sincerely hope you understand what i mean and that finally will make sense to you.
And yes, in case you wish to know I don’t like people who try to teach me what to do and what to think, and I’m sorry if that offended you (if not - no problem).

Dude, there is no point to write here. IMCer dun care. You go out the mmo market, do you see other game as bugged as this? Rarely. I work in cloud data center once, I also rarely see server down or bugged like this. Even ddos will be fixed next days. They dun care; they dun have the resource, But if u have no resource ($$$), why keep so many update or event. Do the better stable game, not more event; not more cosmetic; not more class/map. They have no resource and they have poor management. That is the PROBLEM.

Currently playing destiny2 :wink:

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I’m quite surprised that YOU’RE still ON THIS FORUM.:crazy_face:

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not every publisher listen to game community. Look at EA. lol

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IMC listrens to nexon.

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Where did I?

Let’s see … this is the first one since January. Did you confuse me with somebody or what?

ALL of them? Well, I can explain like 3 latest of them plus this one:

This one - an explanation/shittalk/doompost.
Some info which first appeared in JP roadmap but could be interesting for iTOS players.
Some shittalk about the way IMC [RESOLVES] problems.
A guide on how to move to jTOS.

I fail to understand which of those are offensive or smth.

Sorry, I don’t.

Neither I like allegations.


EDIT: okay, sorry I am wrong here with the topics you posted, i did confuse you with some other doomposters here on the forums.
with that said, if you don’t see what I mean for “teaching”, i think it should be enough to read the name of the current topic. i personally don’t feel like what you describe is actually the case, but you seem to try to enlighten others with this. also i think you too lack credibility on that topic as you’re not working for IMC. also doomposting lately is getting too annoying at least for me (but not only, i guess, thus my reaction and reaction in the first reply)

… to see a clickbait.

I guess everyone saw how map/dungeon channels deplete after major playerbase drops. Too strange to be a coincidence.

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It’s usually fixed just a week later though.

Mmmm they took like 1month + to fix Hunter master NPC which wasn’t able to sell any attribute, that’s why i changed my class back then :tired:

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well actually that’s not the first time this issue appears, and it won’t be the last time. but they are getting fixed always. if it is not totally clear, that’s a server side performance issue which can have different reasons (which are not usually shared with us tho). If it was lack of resources or as you say, cost cutting, it would be constant and permanent unavailability.
On the other hand you seem to believe that amount of channels correlates with server side resources, which is not totally true. Server could have smaller amount of resources but the amount of channels would be the same and we wouldn’t even notice. What we see here is random crash of random (even empty) channel, which comes back shortly. It only means that at some point in time there were not enough resources on the server where the channel is running, which caused it to close, but immediately it is either migrated to another server (sort of high availability feature) or reappears on the same one. I might not be an expert in IMC server architecture, but general principles work.
It even might be they are doing preparations before R9 patch which causes this server performance problems etc…

I thought that dungeon entrance bug lasted longer. I may be wrong here tho.

Also, considering non-stop shitfest, happening right now on all servers(according to forums), this is not “just a week” but a “whole week”. Let’s see how IMC will fix it.

This is also unclear. They can kill some channels on not-so-popular maps and add them to dungeons or seeing they are cutting too much they can buy back some capacity.

Yes, one physical server can host 1 map or, say 10 channels(instances of that map) spreading CPU time/memory between them.

But decreasing amount of servers w/o changing number of channels seems unlikely to me, because such “optimization” may lead to severe instability/freezes/crashes. Oh, wait, we are dealing with IMC.

Or they could decrease CH per server freeing some resources, but seeing how it becomes worse after that and how they milk remaining players … I don’t think so. Just my groundless highly subjective opinion.

Anyway, “narrow and fast” server is better than “slow and wide”, that’s why I tend to think that ch/server doesn’t change and number of channels correlates with server amount/capacity.

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fix the problem is not just simply reset the server. decrease server/channel will not help. they are being expose or u can call hack/crack. they need to find the problem, which is… they still unable to do it. they dun know what cause the problem yet!

i guess, current event patch cause this hack expose.

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Please, let’s stop with misinformation train. If you want to, at least meme with the correct data of at least something more accurate.

Actually, Klapieda is split between 3 servers: - Main server - Additional server - Additional server

(And it has been this way for quite long.)

There’s yet another additional server that is shared with Orsha for shared instances.

And channels/servers you connect to varies. Once a channel is active for long then inactive or simply inactive for long that channel will be reset and might move to another server or not. It’s also possible to have multiple IPs directing to the same server but I doubt that would be the case.

I believe one server can theoretically hold an unlimited number of inactive channels simply because they’re freed to not spend resources.

I also believe that the number of channels each server can handle depends on how much active the channels are. Handling 100 channels with 1 person on each against handling 100 channels with 50 players on each is different. Although having less channels with more players would, in theory, use less resources due to timers, events and etc.

Additionally, some channels are connected to others somehow (even instances), I’m not sure exactly. But it’s common to see other channels/maps crashes along with other channels elsewhere.

So, we get here, there’s no proof they’re cutting on resources. They could? Yeah.

And before anything, most likely reducing too much channels on maps that are most of time inactive won’t affect things greatly aside from gameplay negatively. If number of channels were a problem we would get the old messages “Server is full, please wait.”.

First: But that wouldn’t last only a week like I said. Especially near R9 with an expected boost in population, even IMC wouldn’t reduce server resources capacity.

Second: The channels keeps crashing even when there’s too few players online (CCU). If the servers were under too heavy load the crashes would stop when most people goes sleep.

Third: Servers does seems to act better when there are more players but crashes still happens.

That leaves my theory:
It’s a different bug, something else is probably making servers have high load along with players itself.

Example: It could be the old guild crash bug that seems to be back to some people. It’s possible that the Guild Member List spam is sent via server-side and some update changed the code that fixed the problem. Considering server constant spam to various players, that could lead to server exceptions/crashes. (Possible to check with client-side tools, but I’m lazy atm, this is an example.)

Example 2: It could be an incomplete server-side code merge from ktos to itos, leaving some errors in the database or between parts of the server itself leading to crashes under certain conditions.

So again, if you’re ever going to meme at least try to understand what you’re talking about, otherwise you’re just embarrassing yourself.


Sigh, that was just a simplified example.

They should be limited anyway, because it won’t be very good if 10 players on every map will try to enter different channels and there won’t be enough resources. And less resources → tighter limitation.

I didn’t know this. Not gonna play iTOS just to gather an accurate data for my memeing.

Can I include Example 1-2 into “Cutting QC costs”? Oh, wait it always was non-existent.

Then I’ll just continue embarrassing myself.

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It’s about happniess.

Some people are happy and satisfied by throwing money at IMC for goodies in a game which dies soon.
Some people are happy just playing the game otherwise they would have left for good already.
IMC is happy that they can still milk a game, which is broken and will never be fixed, while supplying as few updates as possible which the Whiteknights praise as the holy grail.
I am happy that I’m done with tos and can still enjoy the forum here from time to time and check how dead it is already and it’s quite amusing to read about the ■■■■ that’s happening.
Everyone is happy! I think that’s nice. :slight_smile:


“throwing money dies dead broken never fixed blah blah white knights” go back to your cave, you’re surely needed there more than here, more so if you have nothing constructive to say.

Somewhat amused there are white knights still active after all the BS that happened since the Halloween event. You lot truly can take any beating from IMC.

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I haven’t played for a year, yet I still continue to visit the forums. Seeing IMC-defenders get their panties twisted defending this game is soooooo satisfying than actually playing it lmao



Cool guys, go on. For me it’s pretty funny to watch as well. Seems you got nothing better to do in your life. Well, have a little fun here then. Also don’t forget to repeat again that the game is dead and white knights are only ones playing it. Like several more times please.