Tree of Savior Forum

Im new to cards?

so im kinda new to the card thing…
1)besides the obvs what are good cards to have on for a archer/ranger/falconer??

2)do i need ot upgrade cards before i put them on? i notice when you put one on and try to tak eit off it says some thing about losing exp or stars …

3)were do you find albums??

  1. what are some cards that sell good? in need of silver right now
  1. Here’s a good guide about cards.

  2. Preferably, yes. Upgrade it to level 10 before equipping.

  3. Try in hunting grounds or just buy one in the market. You might want to check the market then sort it to highest price to see what sells.

In regards to silver, you can try doing dungeon daily then sell all those talts (one talt is around 5k).

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  1. For red cards, 3x Centaurus (+6 AoE attack ratio at level 10 – since you’re an archer you start with 0, so having 6 is good). For blue cards, I’m using Armaos (raise a shield when hit) since I don’t have anything better atm, but you can mix Zaura and Nuale cards (very rare and expensive) to boost your MDEF/PDEF by 10% per level 10 card. For purple, I’m using 3x Biteregina (10% chance of poisoning at level 10), but there are probably other choices (Marnox gives +15 critical rate). For green, just use 3x Elloganos for +30 DEX at level 10.

  2. Not necessarily. If you don’t have the fodder cards on hand, just equip the card, it’s better than nothing. Once you have the fodder cards, unequip your card with the big red button – it will cost a small amount of silver, but will not lose any star. I’ve also noted that you can unequip a level 1 card without spending silver and without losing it.

  3. Albums can be found in HG dungeons. However, it’s a very rare drop (sometimes I spend one hour in HG without finding any – I wish someone kmade a guide on where to farm them, there are probably better HG dungeons than others). Otherwise, there are often many for sale in the market, although the price has skyrocketed recently (was used to buy them for 100-200k, now I cannot find any at less than 500k).

  4. The problem here is that you want to keep the good cards instead of selling them, because you won’t have many opportunities to find more. If you’re not a Sorcerer, selling demon/devil cards used by that class is a good way to make money. Gorkas is a good card for summoning, but not that great for equipping, and it’s somewhat easy to get from albums, so that’s my best bet to get money (I’ve sold many of them for little less than 2 mil silver). Marnox sells for 20-50 mil, you can keep them if you need Critical Rate on your build, but is 45 CR worth 60-150 mil silver?