Tree of Savior Forum

Im level 280 and my game is dead

If there really was nothing to do in end game except PVP and there was just NO PvE content I would quit the game and move on. I hope IMC can consider both kinds of players here.

We need war declaration too. Open field war is vastly different from guild battle arena.

make it so that you can kill people on level maps.

Instant bot issue solved and makes leveling a whole lot more interesting lol

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Thats the point from the start lol.
I dont see what kind of nonsense both posters are swallowing in their description of the game.
Like your typical MMORPG, Tree of savior encorporates a PvE game with PvP.
This isn’t any different from GW2, RO, Wakfu, WoW, FLYFF, FFXIV, GW1, and a whole heap of other games.
Pve + PvP in an MMO is so standard now adays that they’re just wasting breath on each other.
PvP is a potential way to spend your later time in the game as is PvE.

If it was a game meant for pvp them i wonder what all the story quests and pve-levelgrinding and pve-equip collecting have to do in the game.

That being said : i agree that the limitations of guild wars should be lifted, so people can declare war on other non-neutral guilds as often as they like. Having a cooldown on that despite people wanting to do war is stupid.

[quote=“trielav, post:39, topic:298230”]
If a game has to be only or almost only X to be an X game, then a game with a variety of characteristics wouldn’t be any type of game at all.[/quote]
Of course games with many characteristics would have at least one type. TOS is a MMORPG. That alone is a type of game.
Personally, i’d categorize it as a story-driven pve-grinder with pvp aspects at endgame.

Exactly. TOS is supposed to offer both pve and pvp. That means that it is neither a pure pvp game nor a pure pve game, despite what some would like to call it.

[quote=“Gatygun, post:43, topic:298230, full:true”]
make it so that you can kill people on level maps.
Instant bot issue solved and makes leveling a whole lot more interesting lol[/quote]
If playerkilling on all leveling maps were allowed, what would stop people from harrassing and spawnkilling other players, extremely worsen other peoples gaming experience or maybe even making playing the game properly impossible for them?

To a hypothetical pvp-only player, they keep people active in the game, which creates opportunities to rmeet up, and pve serves the purpose hitting a gym serves for a boxer preparing for a bout. Of course the real answer is a game doesn’t have to be just one thing and most pvp-focused players also care about the pve parts. Similarly, ToS is a dress-up game. People take the hat farming endgame very seriously (just look at the 100k infrorocktor kills in the other thread).

Then why do I call pvp the primary endgame? Besides the way the game was advertised, Earth Tower is very inaccessible. You have to not only be near the level cap, but also have an appropriate build, so only a small portion of players can do it. Many people have been complaining about lacking motivation or having nothing to do despite not having done Earth Tower yet. PvP is easy to get into, so anyone who wants to keep busy or get some multiplayer action can join in.

What would a corresponding pve endgame look like? A guild-wide (35 players at once) dungeon that has no level penalties in combat and no daily limit on time spent. That would be a really great addition, although the framerate issue prevents it now (when you’re at 2fps enemy players are too, but mobs don’t have fps).

The downside compared to GvG is individuals can’t call in backup when they’re at a disadvantage, so it’s very unbalanced. You could make it work as an opt-in feature, though. Maybe you get 30% more exp and silver if you flag yourself for pvp for an hour.

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we need to stop thinking about what kind of a game this is
Lets just ask game creator.
And after his answer decide to stay or not to stay.
I’m personally tired to hope for good future while play the game that becoming worse and worse

I still don’t understand why people play an mmo expecting it to have an amazing pvp experience. Almost everyone knew this was going to be pve-centric from the start, of you want to play a pvp game go play one that’s 100% dedicated to pvp like dota or something.

maybe because they want live and fight in big alive world? and not in a small cage for rats

They already said what kind of game it is…

They already expect a lot of people to dislike the game.
They don’t actually expect the game to be balanced either.
At the same time they’re not bringing out super hard content that classes couldn’t do.

Yeah, thx for the link.
If only every pro-player had it before beginning, I’m sure they’d not even start to play or leave much sooner.