Tree of Savior Forum

I'm ashamed for my fellow brazilian's actions. Here's a few words about recent events

No way you putting me down!! Thats what community does, help each other!

I applaud the OPā€™s good intention, but THIS^
and do your self a favor @Nergal, mute those toxic threads. you donā€™t need those in your life. I donā€™t have the numbers but I wonā€™t be surprised if only about 1% of the active playersā€™ population actually read the forums and/or care at all.

letā€™s all keep our sanity and move forward from this shitstorm that is the tokengate or whatever people want to call it.

more power to honest gamers like you, cheers!


Itā€™s really sad to see someone attacking your nationality. Instead of getting angry, all you can do is understand their situation and brush it off. People say stupd things when they are angry. Lets just hope that IMC will do something about this current events. This issue is causing mass hysteria. You can see players bashing each other in every thread. :fearful:

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Iā€™m not sure why people really care. If someone dislikes me based on my national flag I doubt it was a person worth to have in my inner circles.

So in a certain way I kinda like the hate, itā€™s a good filter that saves me a lot of time that I would otherwise be wasting with people that would prove to be really stupid later on.

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Its awesome to be in a good reception!
tks for your comments!

Lets Cheer up and make these an harmonius community.

Sadly internet is full of theseā€¦

i dont really careā€¦ but i felt if leave some words could aware everyone a little.

Sadly internet make people savage!

i didnt get angry at all, just wanted to aware people a little about my opinion! :persevere: Tks for your comment

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Ah! the perks of been from an unknown neutral country :3

no one ever mentions or know of it on the internet xD


Yay, not only that sadly internet is full of trolls

just passing through and left my opinion about community in general!

Sorry I took a little time. :grin:

Thread title: Iā€™m ashamed for my fellow brazilianā€™s actions. Hereā€™s a few words about recent events.

Hello guys, due to recent events involving brazilians, Iā€™m here to give my testimony and speak a little about the community and how much Iā€™m surprised about the actions and the high level of toxicity of some of the members of this community.

I am brazilian, and Iā€™m here to say Iā€™m ashamed by the actions and recent events involving brazilians. Iā€™m here on behalf of the HONEST portion of our community and expressing some of my indignation.
And I hope those who hide behind their screens and attack people in a negative way help me with constructive criticism so we can create a harmonious environment for every one of us.

Let me introduce myself: Iā€™m 25 years old computer engineer, software developer, MMOG lover. Iā€™ve played Ragnarƶk Online for 12 years and Iā€™ve been waiting for Tree of Saviorā€™s launch since the day it was announced, playing both the OBTs and CBTs.

I need to say: Not all of us brazilians are ā€œHUE BRā€ and make a joke of everything. Iā€™ve been around the world (Europe, USA), and Iā€™ve seen that each country has their social and economic failures. Iā€™ve been reading a lot of negative criticism about my country and no solid reasons about it. I honestly expected a better reception in this community instead of being treated like a pariah. Many people have been speaking ill of us brazilians, but acting way worse.

I really apologize for the brazilian players who abused that exploit, but not every one of us is a bad person/player. In my opinion, whoever cheats or steals/takes advantage in online games is not a good person in real life. I know brazilians have this bad reputation of ā€œcheatersā€, but Iā€™m here to defend our honest community that has been caught up in the fallout of bad peopleā€™s actions and now canā€™t even express an opinion without receiving backlash.

In my opinion, the members of a community are supposed to join hands and fight against every kind of bad practice - whether performed by brazilians or any other nationality.

Thank you for reading my heartfelt words, and I sincerely hope to help improving this community.


(You can also find me in Orsha and Klaipeda servers with the team name ā€œDawnguardā€)

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Tks! Much better!!
how can i find you on game?

I play @ Klaipeda, my team name is the same as my forum name, but I canā€™t play much. :disappointed_relieved:

Oh, I made a tiny mistake, it should be ā€œwhetherā€, not ā€œwetherā€. Please correct it on your post. :grin:

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True, but the same happens to all countries, most offense arenā€™t violent ones, its stuff like not paying pension, using drugs, fishing on the wrong season and so on.

And the reason people die in Brazil in gunfights is because we donā€™t send them off to die in another country. Quite literally, we donā€™t have wars in god knows how long, so the police just let poor people kill one another in order to have less povertyā€¦ Not very nice, but works the same as sending poor people to die in whatver country on the other side of the world for oil.

Not saying one is better than the other, both are pretty crappy ways to deal with poverty. Oh yeah, and when they arenā€™t doing a good enough job the police steps in and just do it for them, cause why wait?

And Iā€™ve been to USA a few times, and its a beatiful country, just like many others Iā€™ve been to. It has beatiful and rich places such as California, Xenophobic places such as countryside Texas, and pretty poor ones as well, for example a couple of towns in Lousiana, where I was actually scared of walking by myself at night. But such is how every country works, with the exception of the very small ones (such as Vaticano).

The idea of my post is that people should not think themselves better than other nations. Because they are really not that different in todayā€™s globalized world.

As a fair player and a fellow brazilian I endorse your thoughts.

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Lol, players from any country would have used the exploit if it was available for them. Be it brazilians, north-americans or w/e, the problem wouldā€™ve been the same.

Deixa de ser puxa saco dos outros. It was not only Brazilians.

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yeah this kind of topic do more harm than good. You, we ,doesnā€™t owe them nothing, the cheaters were already punished and we donā€™t need to stay diging anymore.

The only thing that will solve this is region locks.

Call me all those words that you want :racist, xenophobic, bigot or whatever else your liberal brain can muster due to being so offended.

These stereotypes exist because people created them. Brazilians keep doing this and other things that ruins their own image. Region locking will practically give BRs what they want , a way to play with their own kind and us not having to deal with them. Its a win win. Btw multiculturalism always fails and this just shows another point.

Brasil simply became the focus of people own toxity, and whenever they want to let it out, they use common targets, and Brasil is one of them. Because, anyone who tries to see the situation by a whole, not only onesided, will see that things are quite different, itā€™s not hard, unless that is their true desire.

Iā€™ve never had an issue with brazilians, i can even more or less understand their language since my native language is spanish which is similar.

I only have concerns about ppl seeing the portuguese chat and then deciding to go away because they dont understand the language which will make it even harder to find english speakers, if ppl that actually speak english would stay i dont mind.

I havenā€™t seen any brazilian that has done anything offensive outside of some shout chat insults (which are pretty bad btw), but the ones that go asking for information or other stuff are fine for me.

Put yourself in their shoes, assume they dont understand much english and need to ask some information (i.e. where to grind at X level) but donā€™t know how to say it in english or prefer to receive answers in their own language, naturally theyā€™ll ask in portuguese in shout chat.

Other than the trolls i see more offensive from english shouts than portuguese shouts to be quite honest.