Tree of Savior Forum

I'm a Wiz3>Linker2>Summ right now, after summ should i go straight for Necro or linker again?

As the short title says, I’m at this point, lvl 150, now tho i don’t know if I should go for another Linker or go straight for 3 necro, what do you thing?

(I’m new of the game too)

PS: Which skills should i get with summ and necro?

If I got right, you are Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > Sorc 1 right?

In that case you can either go Sorc 2 then Necro 3 or Necro 3 and Link 3.

Since your main objective is make a Summoner build, then all summons are good to get.

Just a small reminder, minion builds in ToS all require SPR, not INT.

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I also think you didn’t take Wiz3 according to your same topic on Steam ^^

Anyway, I’ve already answered your question there.

I need to get gather corpses tho, right?
In the build above there isn’t any point on that :X

It has dissinter, imo the pole is… meh, only worth if you are can make stuff to get around it for its debuff (from attributes)…

I might go this way though:

Salamion is only good ONCE you take sorc2 (attributes, it gains 2 effects) I never felt that it was good to damage so… unless the attributes get stronger with it… I rather have the bats for extra damage

You can have gather corpse to collect corpse pieces and then you use disiter to get even more.

flesh strike does a lot of damage but it uses 100 corpse pieces, flesh cannon is a target aoe that you can point and then you can move around, depends on what you want to do though (flesh hoop is not so good either)

You don’t need that skill, it became useless with Desinter and Skellies attributes. Only bots use that crap anyway.

And since you have Summon from Sorc, you can kill a group of mobs and use Desinter to fill a bit your corpse storage, after you get all running and I do recommend you get first the skellies attribute for corpse gathering, you will notice that you barely need to use Desinter, only on special occasions.

Disinter and Gather Corpse are indeed useless at Necro3. Necro3’s bonus attributes more-or-less eliminate the corpse parts tedium. However, both skills are useful in CM when mass amounts of enemies are dying. Don’t overlook their uses if you’re not Necro3.