Tree of Savior Forum

If you've been living under a rock: Thaumas are great

Linker is out, Chrono is out. Thauma is in. For general play where giving 1k+ Phys/Mattack to each party member means melting everything or spending 4 minutes more because they’re not trans’d/anvil’d up.
But buy some god damn daino scrolls you lazy fuks.
Want to support without paying your support fee :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s closer to +1.6~2k attack if you’re all INT/SPR (Swell Brain doesn’t boost physical attack so rip swordies/archers). I had a +1k bonus on my ThauC3 before the changes, now I’m giving double what I used to. The new Thau is really nice.

doubles my damage ontop of all the multipliers… ■■■■ yeah i love thaumas

I see a thauma now in a Mission/Dungeon and all the stress leaves my body.

I really doubt Chrono is out. Linker is probably also not out for high level content. Thauma is definitely good, though. Also wtf is this shrink attribute now? +120% damage???

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Yeah. It seems to be a final damage modifier too :3

Im exaggerating a tad.
It’s final damage multiplication of peace and prosperity

I think it works.

Swell Body doubles help but doubles drops
Shrunk, doubles the speed you kill them.
When I was testing Thauma C3, I just alternated between them if one was on cooldown and things were peachy.

you are doing an awful job convincing me :yum:

Come on, bring your A game…

tell me in 5 sentences, why is Thauma the best :wink:

Convince you. Forget that. I’m lazy.
Now if you decide to play a Thauma.
Buy Daino scrolls.


Swell buffs makes you cute.

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Try to complete solmiki without chrono

I got rank 6 Wiz alt… Lv 10 Hail+Swell Left deal higher damage than Lv 15 Hail without Swell… Thauma 1 alone is worth it for DPS, might as well leave Warlock for Elememes and go Ele 3 - Sage for rank 7-8

Well, I just solo cleared DG290 with my Wiz3Thaum3Warlock2 daily nowadays and farming Armaos Cube. I want to do video about how great it is, but it caused heavy lag to my TOS client. Yes, Daino is a must to sustain with Pardoner’s Buff.

The Dagger/Shield swapping is a technique must be mastered by all offensive thaum3 player or eventually your teammate as well if eligible. When you lure and waiting CD, use shield, after CC/Sleep then use dagger, or if in a party you can always use dagger. Honestly, this is 1 of the best feature I like the most as a player who mained Thaumaturge since CBT. With a Shield + Swell Right Arm you can always go full INT or full CON with transpose.
Max Pentamion > Tranpose > Swapping Animus for 600+ M.Amp is also a technique need to know.

Basically Mastema and PoA can melt everything just fine without any buff or pre-steps. I always use Shield and Magic Missile to lure pack of mobs and put them in sleep then Mastema. For Archers you need kill them slow a bit, basically kill them in pack of 5-8.

For some pack of Vikas/Melee Mobs, I just shrink them and trigger x8 Chapparitons card then use 2-3 Magic Missiles to kill them.

For Boss, it is super easy, Mastema > PoA > PoA (Enchant Scroll lv1) will just kill them in 1 cycle. Given your attribute is around 70-80% (Mine is Mastema lv90, Magic Missile lv80 and PoA lv80) and Invocation is great with Thaum3 + Shrink Body.

I’ve a Varv Card and my swell left arm close to 1300 atk/matk alone, while my swell right arm give ~680 atk/matk/def/mdef, swell brain just meh with +60 matk and 45 INT.

But I’m selfish :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t like promote Thaum3 to be popular (especially during reset event) because it will cause conflict if there are 2 Thauma in party, I always want my buff to be the strongest. You don’t see the strength of Thauma if you don’t understand the new formula and push it to a very high level of usage.

its a good solo, but for group content? we’d lack AOE skills. but really glad they buff thauma

Shrink Body is your AoE skill in party, whatever your teammate does, you will did the same with 20% stronger than them :wink:
You need to sacrifice swellbody for this, swellbody is overrated.

Magic Missile also quite good to use as AoE with 3 OH and trigger it with x8 chapparitions card if needed.
Mastema is your best skill.
If not enough, get some flameground scroll

ohh okk thanks! I guess I’ll have to try it out, its like a semi support dps kind of character but I’ll stick the supporting to others and focus on bigger AOE skills

In group content your buffs are so efficient the party still kills faster even if you don’t attack than adding another person until everyone is high trans

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