Tree of Savior Forum

If ur a class that can crit whats btter red gme or yellow gem

red gems or yellow gems??

which one would give better damage if you had a 50% crit rate and higher

Green gems are probably better, but:

Reds give 1 average attack to yellow’s 3.2 crit attack

1 point of physical damage is equal to 3.2 points of crit damage at 37% chance to crit.

and for str v dex thoughts:

1 point of str (2 physical attack) is equal to 1 point of dex (4 points of crit damage) at 66% chance to crit.

Red lv7 -> 310 max attack
Yellow lv7 -> 470 cri attack

with New damage formula
start with red
average of attack when equip red one is 165 (non critical boost)
with critical amp (50% change) is (1651.50.5)+(165*0.5) = 206 damage boost when critical.

with yellow
no damage boost when non cri
with critical (50% change) is 470*(0.5) = 235 damage boost.

but if you can make critical more than 50%, like 80%
Red give you 231
yellow give 376

it just average , red still better with party buff.
so go red.

PS. i prefer you go green instead of two.

Your math is wrong.

165+(165*(1.5 * 0.5)) should be 165 * 0.5 + 165 * 1.5 * 0.5 = 206.

You forgot to reduce the non crit value by the chance to not-crit.

Red on offhand. Green on main unless if your build finds it hard to stack crit rate decent enough to make doing so worth it so in that case you’re better off with Red.

I unfortunately have no say for 2h weapons post-rework.

oh sry that become 2 time more lul
ill edit it

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