Tree of Savior Forum

If no warning appears it should not become untradable ~

Hi there
There is a problem with player market and trades.
I was meant to build a recipe and i missed only a Gizardon Hearth. My girfriend has one and gave it to me.

We are both Token but as a bottom message esplain it will become untradable.

Ok. It’s written. It’s fair

I was then building a Manamana and i missed 14 Honeymeli Bean. My girfriend decide to make me another gift. Bought them for about 1500k and then tried to trade.
They were untradable.
There is No message in the game about “what you buy in the market become untradable”

Even the Tos Wikia tells that “intercharacter trades will still be avayable”.
So funny

The main issue, i repeat, there is no advice. When you buy an equip there is a message about the loss of potential. But No message about tradability.

Last of all: imc should understand that there is a difference, an HUGE difference between “untradable” and “unstorable” . In the chosen case she is even unable to store them in the storage npc. She can’t pass in team storage, she can’t sell them in the market.

Wtf is this feature and why is it here?

Not being able to pass materials in team storage after you bought them or acquired them is utter crap.

Same thing happened to me when I was trying to gather varv skin…one bought some, the other farmed them. In the end, I ended up farming most of them and threw the ones I couldn’t trade into the collection boxes.

Can’t compare to your 1.5m worth of mats trade, but all things should at least be tradeable within team storage.

Anything bought off the market is hard coded to not be tradeable after buying, except for gears i believe.

And there’s always been problems with the market and trade since the beginning. Potential used to decrease after team storage trades…enough complaints fixed that.

Every trade restriction in place is meant to counter bots, but nothing works, they all just hinder actual players and add to TREE OF RESTRICTIONS.

“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. You’ve been IMCed”


Theres alot of reasons, one imo is to prevent playing the market.

Having these become untradeable does in fact hinder rmt and trading silver as well. You could easily transfer silver between characters with only 10% silver loss. Then just trade back the mats through 1:1 trade after.

Maybe they should make it more clear that they become untradeable. Im not logged in right now, but im sure it says it somewhere…

I’m not sure how will ‘playing the market’ has anything to do with RMT.

This is how RMT works.
the botter will bot to get silver, collect about 1mil per character probably
silver buyer list item on the market, depends but probably 300k~1mil (because the listing price usually cap at 1mil)
bot buy items listed on the market
transfer complete.
bots get banned/continue to bot until banned

Where does the make items ‘untradable’ play any role here? The only thing in this whole crap restriction system that makes RMT hard is the fact that it is hard to find something that can list for 1mil each or higher. Item list price are limited by a certain range. That means most of the popular(or frequently sold/bought) items will have a maintained price, making those items unsuitable/too low price for RMT silver transfer. This prevents popular item price from skyrocketing.

It doesnt. Thats why i seperated it from the RMT part.

I just explained how it could work. They could even just give the buyer some of their millions of mats too, trade them to the silver buyer, buyer lists it, then bot buys it. I guess they could do this with items too, but with mats you can put 10k up for 2000 each or something. No limit on how much silver you can transfer really.

Then go to the market , buy a material.

No message, no warning.

At the end you will have the material in your storage with Tradable written on it but with the text “(Total untradable:1)” in the right corner.

it makes no sense

You can give her everything to make manamana, she makes it and then passes it back to you losing 1 potential