Tree of Savior Forum

Ideas to improve old raids content

:hi: :hi: :haha:

I think that raid costumes should be able to be crafted in teliavelis or other NPC (maybe in the beauty shop), using velcoffer spirit fragments, skiaclipse feathers, …. The number of materials will differ between raids (create Velco costume will not cost the same as create skia costume for example).

It will continue being hard to get by crafting, but it would be a sure way to achieve it.

Moreover i propose to create “Assisters raids” with different lvls as “assister dungeon”.
The idea is to make velcoffer, etc raids a “Solo Raid” for assisters too (character would cant hit and it wont recive damage). All of this solo raids should be hard in assister mode (i mean, et, velco, etc should not be easier because of they are old content. They should have different mode lvls (like easy, normal and hard).

Raid Costumes could give buffs to assisters too making them more usefull.

It could be do it only 1 time per week (each solo assister raid) and about the rewards, it could be one assister album in every mode plus raid materials from 1 up to 3 depending on the raid mode (i mean, you will get always 1 assister album (no matter the mode) but you will get more or less raid materials depending on the mode).

If you didnt do some of those raids at the end of the week (I mean, the normal ones, not the assister ones), you will get double raid materials from “Solo assister raids” (This means that if you can complete for example “White Witch Hard solo assister raid”, and you didnt complete the normal one, you will get 6 hearts (3 x 2) at the end of the week (like “normal” “White Witch easy” material rewards after complete it the 3 weekly times that you can do it)).

It would give a way to get raid materials to those who have not good equipment to do these raids or those who didnt find a party/didnt have time to do it in the week

Futhermore, @Zeucleio gave the idea of being able to convert these old raid materials into content points. I think that this was a really good idea because the new costume collections.

Talking about collections, you could make raid collections too, that would be obtined from “Achievements” after complete “x” number of times each raid (giving another reason to do all raids each week and invest in raid stones). Instead of stats, this collections could give an special bonus in those raids.

Raid Legend Cards could be crafted with raid materials too. As i said at the start of the post, the number of materials will differ between raids. The idea its to be able to create 1 legend card by the cost of all materials that can be collected from doing weekly content every week in 1 month. For example: 12 glacia hearts per week in a month + 3 glacia hearts per “White Witch Hard solo assister raid” per week in a month = (12 x 4) + (3 x 4) = 60 glacia hearts to create a legend glacia card.

This would be a new way to get them which means a little bit (because really its hard to farm 60 raid materials) easier way to lvl up legend cards to lvl up the new goddess cards, making raid materials useful even if you don’t need them because you have the costume and you dont need content points.

If White witch would have a costume set too, its cost based on what i said, would be:

Helmet: 30 (half month getting all posible weekly materials)
Costume: 60 (1 month getting all posible weekly materials)
Back costume: 120 (2 month getting all posible weekly materials)

**Thanks to @rivayir i had the idea to propose to create a legend equipment (lets call it “Savior” during the post) that would be upgraded like vaivora weapons or goddess/demon armors.

Savior legend equipment will storage every legend set that you add to it (all legend sets will be storageble on it but still only one will be active), making you able to swap between different legend sets after add it to the equipment.

Savior legend equipment will have lvl 1 but it stats will change with the lvl of the user up to the max. progress lvl (“max. progress” determinate the maximum equipment stats (damage and defenses) that would reach the equipment). (continue reading to understand it better)

To craft it and upgrade it players will need different materials and equipments. First of all, i’m going to give an incompleted example about equipments needed to craft it and upgrade it to understand a little bit the system (later i will put all materials needed to craft and upgrade it all):

Savior legend equipment will be crafted with Lolopanther equipment. It will progress since lvl 1 to lvl 270 (lolopanther equipment lvl). Players will can upgrade it with solmiki equipment, which will increase the max. progress to lvl 330 (solmiki equipment lvl) and will make you able to swap between lolopanther legend set and solmiki legend set. Players will can upgrade it with velcoffer equipment, which will incrase the max. progress to lvl 360 (velcoffer equipment lvl) and will make you able to add velcoffer legend sets to it. Players will can upgrade it with Skiaclipse legend equipment, which… etc. This system will make it posible to persist in the future with new updates.

Savior legend equipment lvl 1 (to craft it):
Lolopanther equipment trans 5
4 Practonium
(Lolopanther equipment lvl as max. progress)(Lolopanther legend set available (depend on the armor type))

Savior legend equipment lvl 2 (to upgrade it):
Savior legend equipment lvl 1
Solmiki equipment trans 10
8 Practonium
(Solmiki equipment lvl as max. progress)(Solmiki legend set available (depend on the armor type))

Savior legend equipment lvl 3 (to upgrade it):
Savior legend equipment lvl 2
Velcoffer equipment
20 Spirit Fragment: Froster Lord
10 Spirit Fragment: Prodigious Kugheri Balzermancer
12 Practonium
(Velcoffer equipment lvl as max. progress)(Velcoffer legend sets available to be added)

Savior legend equipment lvl 4 (to upgrade it):
Savior legend equipment lvl 3
Skiaclipse legend equipment
20 Spirit Fragment: Wastrel
20 Spirit Fragment: Asiomage
40 Spirit Fragment: Ignas
50 Spirit Fragment: Skiaclipse
16 Practonium
(Skiaclipse legend equipment lvl as max. progress)(Skiaclipse legend sets available to be added)

Savior legend equipment lvl 5 (to upgrade it):
Savior legend equipment lvl 4
Glacia legenda equipment
30 Spirit Fragment Moringponia
30 Spirit Fragment: Glacia
20 Practonium
(Glacia legend equipment lvl as max. progress)(Glacia legend set available to be added)

Players will be able to active the lolopanther and solmiki legend sets too (At the end, its a legend set like velcoffer, skia and the other ones added on the alchemist)

Solmiki legend set rework: the “+3 pieces” Solmiki legend sets bonus (+25 All stats) will be a legend set from Solmiki accesories only, reducing the “type” of Solmiki accesories to 1 (1 type of bracelet + 1 type of necklace). The +4 pieces, +6 pieces and +7 pieces bonuses from Solmiki legend sets will be applyed as +3 pieces, +4 pieces and +5 pieces instead, added with pamoka solutions on the alchemist (armor: 2 pamoka. weapons: 5 pamoka).

The Raid Spirit Fragments, Velcoffer Spirit Fragments, Earth Tower Fragments and Boss Fragments from Earth Tower would be able to be sold on market.

Earth Tower and Velcoffer’s Nest could be done again using 1 legend raid stone (players will not have to pay more than 1 to enter again and again).

Savior legend equipment will cant be traded or sold (equipment and materials to craft and upgrade it will be able to be traded or sold instead).

Players will be able to start craft it and upgrade it in Neringa (Orsha) after unlock the legend card slot.

Trascendance on “Savior legend equipment” will be reduced to 0 with every upgrade but the trascendance on the fused legend equipment (Lolopanther, Solmiki, Velcoffer, etc) will remain on the new upgraded version (For example: Savior legend equipment lvl 1 trans 7 fused with Solmiki equipment trans 4 on the formula, will produce a Savior legend equipment lvl 2 trans 4). Moreover, the enhancement will persist meanwhile the potential will be recovered with every upgrade. This system will make posible reach +40 enhancement (it will continue depending on luck but players will have better chances and diamond anvils will work better because it doesnt reduce enhancement lvl but reduce potencial if it fails).

Transcendance and enhance costs will be determinated by the current max. progress of the equipment. For example:
Savior legend equipment lvl 4 would have an enhance and transcendance costs equal to skiaclipse legend equipment ones.

Something similar should be done on accesories maybe (i mean, create a “Savior” ones)

I hope you like the idea!! :satisfaction:

Cheers :haha:


Hello rgdlfgame,

We truly appreciate your enthusiasm for the game by providing us your feedback suggestions. Rest assured that it will receive proper attention, as we develop future contents and updates.

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Love the idea. It will give more value in doing those good 'ol raids, bcause to be honest right now they are almost worthless. It will also lengthen the lifespan of the content the devs worked hard to create, instead of it being left on the corner to collect dust.


:hi: :hi: :haha:

Really thanks you for your attention @GM_Francis , i’m glad doing this suggestions, i mean, i just give ideas that i think that could be good for the game, I don’t expect them to come true because i ignore a lot of information and i dont really know the impact of this ideas on the game but… thats your work hahaha i’m just giving ideas to help you with future updates.

As i always says: i hope you like the idea!! :satisfaction:

Cheers :haha:

:haha: @Mage15

I thought that it could be a good way to inspire players to continue doing last content every week. Costumes could be sold on market too and during new updates. the new costumes will be expensive. but with the time it will become cheaper.

Moreover, its a good way (but still hard (as it should be)) to get this kind of costumes.

Ty for your contribution :haha:

It would also be nice if we could convert these old raid materials into content points. :sad:

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:satisfaction: :satisfaction:

@Zeucleio !!!

You had a really good idea (i think) hahaha i was thinking more about what to do with this materials too (i mean, after create the costumes if the idea comes true, etc).

I’m going to change the name of the post to give some other ideas to make old Raids a nice content to do every week. I’m going to post your idea on the “main post”.

Ty for your contribution!! :haha:

Good ideas!

I remember someone also mentioned in another thread to have hard and legend version of old raid dungeons that give up-to-date versions of old raid weapons, or materials to make them, much like the lvl 3 & 4 Vaivora weapons we have right now, which would also be neat.

:hi: :hi: :haha: @rivayir

In my opinion, this is unnecesary… Because vaivora weapons and goddess/demon armors exists already.

But i can propose a similar idea that consist on create legend equipment that can be upgraded as vaivora weapons or goddess/demon armors:

i will put it on the “main post”.

Rly ty for your contribution!!