Tree of Savior Forum

Ideas for Cleric skill improvements & attributes

Ever since the new updates and ongoing balances, some Cleric skills have become pretty much redundant or even useless in normal gameplay.

These skills are Fade, Deprotected Zone and Guardian Saint.

Although the initial concept of the skills was great,
with the current amount of threat, they are rapidly losing worth and investing more than 1 point in all of them feels like a big waste, especially if you decide to go with Cleric C3 in your build.

To make the skills more useful to the player, I suggest the following changes:


Until now the skilllevel only increases the amount of time you stay hidden.
To make investing and using the skill more useful, I’d suggest to add 1% damagereduction per skillevel while in Fade.

Additionally, there should be a Fade attribute that increases the damage of attacks used during Fade by 1-2% per skillevel [as there are now attributes scaling with skillevel on Ktest; the critrate attribute of Swiftstep now scales with skilllevel, so this should be possible], similar to the Cloaking attack attribute.

This would give Fade some worth as Taoists Dark Sight has a better effect and even 100% uptime.

Guardian Saint

This skill could get a huge improvement if there was an attribute that allows players to target installations as e.g. Aukuras, Capella, Statue of Goddess Laima, etc. with the skill to allow more tactical/improved gameplay, as these installations tend to break easily (sometimes even in one hit).

It would also keep the skill useful as the current Paladin Barrier changes made Barrier the better alternative to take damage for someone else.

Deprotected Zone

While the skill initially is not a bad skill, the purpose in normal PVE content is pretty much non-existant as the skill takes way too long to achieve something noticeable.
That’s why it would be neat if the skill could be changed in a way so that it has an initial value on use and an icreased effectiveness over time.

This could be achieved by giving every monster inside the AoE the usual armor break debuff [-10% defence] for 5 seconds even if not attacked 10 times with a sword and stacks additional defence reduction per second.

The total defence reduction should stay ± the same 30-45%, but the stacking process should be sped up [possibly with a Cleric Circle 3 attribute] similar to how Cures damage interval is reduced by 0,2 seconds via an attribute.

Last but not least, it would be nice to see an attribute for Cleric C3 that increases the lasting time of Heal tiles on the ground.