Tree of Savior Forum

Idea to make class outfits even better

So I was just thinking, and having some sort of attribute on the class outfits would be awesome. Something that plays to that classes skillset. Something like +2% damage for dps, +1 AoE range on crowd control types, +aggrorate or physical defense or something for tank types, or even -1sec CDon casting types or something. Could have each class have a unique trait that boosts that specific class abilities/playstyle. Nothing over the top making that outfit the one you should choose over others, just some tiny benefit for representing that class. Could even give slight increases to them when they go c2/c3 or make it so c2 is when you get the bonus on the costume and give it a 50% increase on c3 or something, giving more reason for going c2/c3. Again, nothing too over the top that makes it the best choice or makes it overpower anyone not wearing it. What are your thoughts on the idea?


No, I like wearing my wizard costume even if I’m an elementalist now. I don’t want effects on costume that will affect my choice of costume.

Opinion may differ for other people, but it’s a NO from me.


agree, as much as I like my Sadomas… I mean Sorcerer costume, my favorite is the psychiniko one and don’t want to feel forced to change it…

been able to choose what to put on without consequence is the best thing ever…


They would have to make one for first classes too, but it wouldn’t hurt you to use the other class costumes, they would have effects of their own. I was just meaning they would have enhancements that played more to that class, so if you were to wear, say, the wizard costume, you would get attributes that played well with wizard skills like increased matk. Ele could be 5% recuded cast time or something. Nothing that would make one better than the other aside from possibly enhancing the effect of that classes skillset. And it would be something small, but something that could still be useful for other class skills as well. Nothing that would make you want to wear that costume just because of the stat boost, but give you a certain small edge for doing so. I could understand the concern if it was a large thing that made you have to use it for the skills to be any good or anything though. If my wiz outfit gave +10 matk, and ele gave 5% reduced cooldown while sorc was +10sp regen, I would go with the sorc as it is my favorite outfit. The benefits of the others would be nice, but nothing that made them the better pick, they all have their benefits and play well with that class’ skills.

I believe the costumes are cosmetic, as well as hats and armbands which also don’t add anything but style.

Psycho might be good with like a +2% max sp or something too. Doesn’t do much but helps a little, and can still be helpful for other classes too. Not too familiar with them though so not sure if SP would be the best attribute to go along with their skills. 2% max sp would only give 40 more sp if you had 2k sp, so not enough difference with not having it on to make it the only pick.

Hats in RO gave little bonuses like +1 dex or 5% less chance of blind and such, everyone still goes for the look they want while getting a slight useful bonus. Not wearing one didn’t put you at any sort of disadvantage at all.

PS. I do appreciate your input and I’m not saying you are wrong at all btw. I see nothign wrong with them beign purely cosmetic, just thought it would be cool to have little benefits on them is all.

I’d rather be capable of trading them (within the branches, of course).

Naw, I think its done right having you become the class to have the outfit. Now, that’s not to say have other outfits that are not class related being obtainable, or multiple variations of the class outfit to choose from, be it different colors or all together different models. Wouldn’t seem right someone walking around with an alch costume when they aren’t an alch at all. Its like seeing someone walk around with a Sheriff badge that isn’t a sheriff.

Are you kidding? RO had awfully OP hats from cash shop, hats that allowed the use of other job skills (even Teleport and Double Attack!). Hats that allowed unique (and insane) builds.

We don’t have many customization options atm. Why have even less? :weary:

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mmm I see where you are going…

they should follow triforce heroes and let me rock that cheerleader costume :3

uploading new costumes every now and then :blush:

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Why I can’t stop looking at that belly button? :neutral_face:

That was long after RO was released, there was no cash shop until they went free to play. The first 7 years or so it was simply drops you could get or items you could craft through NPCs by bringing them select items. As far as the skills such as teleport and double attack, those came from cards which were a great design as the cards were but a 0.01% drop rate meaning you had to be incredibly lucky, or put in a great deal of work to get them. There were no overpowered gear other than that which took a great deal of time to acquire, so if people did have overpowered gear it was because they put in the time and effort to obtain it. Sure, you could gear up to be a god more or less, but it wasn’t as though one person had more access to it nor undeserving of such power.

LMAO! That would be pretty awesome to see xD But hopefully they don’t go that far, would become an eyesore fast.

Well, I will keep insisting that it’s a bad idea. This kills customization and leaves room for p2w stuff. (Maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday. Mainly cuz we will have cash costumes.)

Let the stats for equipment, gems and amulets. Costumes, hats and armbands must be cosmetic. :triumph:

If it is to go that route, it would regardless of whether or not current costumes had perks. Honestly I don’t mind cash shop items having small things, so long as they are in fact small, to the point that it doesn’t overpower someone without regardless of personal skill. If it can bring in money to keep the game going without putting the ones that buy the items at any true advantage, I have no issue with it. Its when games go with weapons and armor that outclass everything available in game, or even match end game gear, that I end up having an issue with it. I am all for exp booster or starter gear. Who cares if someone levels up 10% faster? Sure, they get to end game faster and get to start hunting the good stuff sooner, but its not like everyone else can’t get to that same place at a later time. There will be those who rush through it all and get there ahead of the majority anyway so it doesn’t really much matter. No, they don’t have to put in as much time to get to that point, but they still have to put in the same effort to actually hunt the gear as the rest of us, and they would have paid to level a slight bit faster which in turn keeps the game runnign allowing the rest of us to keep playing and get to that point. No end game equivalent gear or stat boosters/drop rate boosters and I am all for it.

I do understand your worry on it though and I can agree with it to a point as I have seen it many times in the past, but assuming they refrain from anything that really makes a change then there should be no harm.