Tree of Savior Forum

Idea for a Kabbalist C3 Merkabah attribute

As Merkabah is kind of weak in contrast to many other similarly-ranked skills post-rebalancing, I suggest adding another attribute to it, limited to the 3rd Circle of Kabbalist only. By adding this attribute, the main issue of the low damage will be solved while not handing an overly strong skill to the people who put C1 Kabbalist into their builds as a filler Class.

At first, I though that an additional damage attribute similar to Sappers “Claymore: Firepower Boost”-attribute would be nice, but since Merkabah already got more supportive at Circle 2, I thought, why not kill 2 birds with one stone through another approach, making it more supportive and boosting its skill damage at the same time?

That’s why I suppose it’s best to give it another boost attribute that enhances Holy element damage by up to 50%(e.g. 10 levels a 5%) when standing near the chariots.

Not only would the attribute boost Merkabahs damage but also the damage of basic skills like Heal and Cure, which are ± included in every Cleric build and other skills like e.g. Rune of Justice, providing a solid supportive feature for most Cleric builds while also substituting for the lack of skill damage in the first two Circles of Kabbalist.

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How about just deleting every other class in game and just let healers be there?

Kabbalist Summary : “A mere PvE tool , but a god in TBL”